Friday, April 17, 2015

Passing it Down

What are some traits that can be passed from an organism to its offspring? 
Do some research find some interesting examples, be sure to cite your source. 


Anonymous said...

i think one trait that can be passed down is skin tone and hair color

Ian R. said...

Some traits that can be passed down are what type of chin you have and if your ears are free or attached.

DYLAN N said...

One trait can be being tall or short.

Isaiah w said...

Traits that can be passed down is hair color and eye color.

Anthony B said...

Some traits that can be passed from and organism to its offspring are an attached ear, cleft chin, and a widows peak.

Anonymous said...

A trait could be eye and hair color.

Nate P said...

Some traits that could pass on are eye color, hair color, family traits, and skin color

Abby D. said...

Hair color and eye color can be passed down.

Anonymous said...

Hair and/or eye color.

Anonymous said...

Hair and/or eye color.

Brooke B. said...

A trait could be eye color, or hair color.

Will H said...

One trait can be being tall or short.

Anthony M. said...

Eye Color, Hair, Chin Shape or Ear Shape.

Logan H. said...

Traits include eye color, hair color, skin color, and other personalty bases.

Jack B said...

Hair color, eye color, ear shaper, nose shape.

David Ross said...

Some traits that can be passed from and organism to its offspring are an attached ear, cleft chin, and a widows peak.

Timmy said...

hair color and eye color

Nicole Printy ^•^ said...

Earlobes. :)

Anonymous said...

Eye Color can be passed down.