Wednesday, April 15, 2015


What is the permanent change in a gene or chromosome called? 
Please give one or more examples of this phenomenon. 


dominic l said...

The permanent change in a gene or a chromosome is called Mutation.

yvette C said...

two different eye colors

hayden wilkins said...

The permanent change in a gene or a chromosome is called Mutation.

camden taylor said...

The permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.

Anonymous said...

The change of permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called mutation. A example is two different eye colors.

Allexius t said...

A section of DNA on a chromosome that contains instructions for making specific proteins.

Anonymous said...

The permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.


Chloe Owen ❤️ said...

The permanent change in genes is called gene mutation like two different eye colors

Anonymous said...

This is called a mutation. One example is if a fly is born without wings, or if an organism is born with no fingers, or six fingers. Would webbed toes also be a mutation? I have them.

Matthew b said...

The permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.For example if someone had a extra arm or if someone had two different eye colors.

Maddi T. said...

A permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called mutation. An example of this might be two different ear sizes.

camden taylor said...

The permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.A mutation is like haveing a third ear or extra fingers.

Olivia M said...

One example of mutation is when you have two different eye colors.

Nick C said...

Like diffrent eye and skin colors chromosome is called Mutation

Xx_Aaron_Peter_Mills_xX said...

The permanent change(s) in a gene or chromosome include two different eye colors, appearance, and different or no eyebrows. These permanent changes are called Mutations. Everyone has different genes. this is why no one looks the same. Twins have some of the same DNA, so they look alike.

hayden wilkins said...

sickle cell anemia is caused by a substitution in the betahemoglobin gene which alters a single amino acid in the protein produced. change a codon to one that encodes the same amino acid and causes no change in the protein produced. These are called silent mutations.

Anonymous said...

The permate change in a gene or chromozone is mutation and an example would be someone having different colored skin or someone being born blind or deaf.

Anonymous said...

The permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.For example two heads.

Alexis B/ Jade S said...

The permanent change is a gene or chromosome is called mutation

owenmerola said...

The permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.
Like when your born a midget

Brooke DeCapua said...

When you have two different colored eyes.

Tim D said...

The permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.

Brooke DeCapua said...

Which is called mutation.

Alicia said...

that is a mutation

Jakob P said...

The permanent change in a gene or chromosome or DNA is a mutation.

Wayne Twombly said...

A permanent reaction of a gene is a mutation.

Chris Payeur said...

Mutation:Three eyes

Hannah Perkins said...

A permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.

Anonymous said...

It is called a mutation and an example of this phenomenon is losing a part of DNA.

Brooke Carman said...

A Permanent change in a gene or Chromosome is called Mutation. An example of this Is Progeria, when you age quickly. Most Children Die around the age 13 from this Mutation.

darren said...

This would be a mutation and an example would change of eye color.

Jacob Varney said...

A permanent change in a gene or a chromosome is called mutation.

emily b said...

The permanent change in gene or chromosome is called a mutation, mutations can look like having two different eye colors.

Anthony B said...

The permanent change in gene or chromosome is called mutation. An example of this would be being born with four fingers on one hand.

Anonymous said...

A permanent change in genes or chromosome is called a mutation like having 2 heads

Anonymous said...

The permanent change in genes and chromosomes is a mutation and an example is having no feet.

DYLAN N said...

One would be blue eyes.

Isaiah w said...

An example of mutation is being born with 6 fingers on each hand. I know from experience :)

Abby D. said...

A permanent change in genes and/or chromosome is called a mutation and a example is have six toes on one foot or something like that.

Lewin P. said...

An example of a mutation is a person with 2 foreheads.

tanya .m said...

It is a mutation.

Will H said...

A permanent change in genes or chromosome is called a mutation like having 2 heads

Anonymous said...

Its called a mutation and an example would be someone with 6 fingers.

Colby P. said...

Like diffrent eye and skin colors chromosome is called Mutation

Emily Palmer said...

An example of a mutation could be something like a person with 6 toes on one foot.

Timmy said...

A permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called mutation. An example of this might be two different ear sizes.

Anthony M. said...

A Change in A Gene of DNA, is called a Mutation, like having 4 eyes :0

ethan scott said...

The permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.For example if someone had a extra arm or if someone had two different eye colors.

David Ross said...

An example of a mutation is a person with 2 foreheads.

Brooke B. said...

A permanent change in genes or chromosomes are called mutation and its like having 6 fingers on one hands. or 6 toes on a foot.

Ana said...

A permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called mutation. An example of this might be two different ear sizes.

-Timmy N

Nicole Printy said...

It is a mutation. A mutation would be like two legs being combined.

Jack B said...

Something or someone that is growing on someone.