Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cell Questions?

What are your questions about cells or cell theory? Please post at least one question about the topic of cells. No repeats please 


Anonymous said...

How do the cells work together to make an entire organism?

Braedon M said...

what color are the cells.

Maddi T. said...

How many cells are in your heart?

dominic l said...

how do we know if a cell is not a cell at all

Matthew b said...

My question is can a cell be a different size.

Jade S said...

How many cells are in the whole body.

Anonymous said...

What organism(s) has/have just one cell?

Anonymous said...

how many cells are in you body

Alexisb said...

How many cells do u we have.

Chloe O. said...

What is the most common found cell?

Anonymous said...

Are cells delacate?

Dillon said...

What makes a cell?

Nick C said...

Are cells living things

Anonymous said...

Where their more than 3 or 4 people in the cell theory.

Anonymous said...

What is inside a cell.

Hannah Perkins said...

What color is a cell?

Brooke Carman said...

How many cells are in the human body????

emily b said...

Do cells have there own cells and are cells alive?

Anonymous said...

How many cells are in a human


How many things are made of cells or even eat things made of cells?

Tim D said...

What color are cells.

Alicia said...

How many cells are in a human

Brooke DeCapua said...

How many ways can cells grow?

Kiara M. said...

Are there more plant or animal cells?

haley marsico said...

Will scientists be able to ever create living cells with chemicals?

Josh Y said...

Does light have cells?
I mean if you turn on a lamp and the light from the lamp have cells.

Robi Hok said...

Where did you find this gansta cell theory song.

Hannah Perkins said...

Why are cells called cells?

Anonymous said...

Do cells grow as long as your alive or do they stop at a certain age.

Chris Payeur said...

How man cells are on earth.

Brooke Carman said...

And What animals/plants have only 1 cell?

DYLAN N said...

How long dose a cell live.

Jake Esty said...

How many cells make up the average human adult?

Anonymous said...

If cells come from other cells, then where did those ones come from? And those ones? And those ones?

Anthony B said...

On average, how many cells are in the human body?

Lewin P said...

How many cells are in the human body.

Isaiah w said...

How many cells are in a human body?

Megan.A said...

How many cells are there in a animals body?

Anonymous said...

How do cells reproduce?

Lewin P said...

How many cells are in another cell? Do cells move?

Ian R. said...

What are cells made of?

Hannah M said...

How many cells can one cell create? How many cells are there in a cat?

tanya .m said...

Can there be two cells in one?

Anonymous said...

Why can only cells create other cells?

Logan H. said...

Why are cells so small?

tony M said...

How Many Cells are in a Body?

Will H said...

What makes a cell?

Nicole Printy said...

Where do cells come from?

Timmy said...

What are cells made of?

Tony M Reply said...

Does it Vary How many cells are in an Organism? How big or how small the Organism is?

Gianna M said...

Do cells go through your body like where are they? About how many are there in a human body? Do we gain more when we grow? Do animals or humans have more?

Cole S said...

is there a variety of sizes

Kayla Hodge said...

What was the first cell?

KOBE DIXON said...

how many cells are in the whole world

David Ross said...

how many cells are in one body

Jack B said...

When were cells first discovered? And how?

Maddy S said...

How do the cells work together to make an entire organism?