Thursday, December 11, 2014

What People Do

In what ways do humans impact the environment? Please give specific examples.


Anonymous said...

Humans impact the envirement by taking down trees, letting out smog from big facturies and exaust fumes.

Olivia M said...

People impact the environment by polluting the air, spilling oil in the ocean, and smoking cigerets which could cause a forest fire.

ALEIXS B said...

Every living thing has an impact on its environment. Therefore a human impact on the environment is inevitable. By simply existing, all species - including ourselves - will imprint their mark on the world around them.

Anonymous said...

Humans can impact the environment by not taking care of it by littering and not picking up outside messes

Maddi T. said...

One way humans impact the environment is by polluting water by putting their garbage in it instead of throwing it away.

yvette C said...

People litter and do bad things to earth.

Anonymous said...


camden taylor said...

They effect the environment by clear cutting forests

dominic l said...

Humans dump sewage and pollution in to the ocean

Kristina said...

Humans are effecting the Earth by littering and poultion. The polition is ruining our air and littering is killing our animals..

Anonymous said...

Humans can impact the environment and it could be helpful, or very unhelpful. A helpful way is that we have organizations that are made specifically for protecting the environment. Including the EPA, NRDC, etc. We can also harm the environment, one way is by smoking and leaving remains of a cigarette behind, or poaching animals.

Anonymous said...

One way the humans impact the environment is making and using gas that ruins the ozone layer.

Anonymous said...

We humans impact the environment in a lot of was like littering and no piting out the fires they make.

Scott C said...

Humans impact the environment by burning trash,fossil fuel,driving cars,dumping trash in lakes, rivers,ocean,and streams,using a lot of energy, When you drive a car you are sending out pollution,burning trash sends out gases,and throwing trash in the lakes,rivers,ponds,ocean,and streams kills all of the wild life and affects other plants and animals.

Braedon M said...

Humans impact the enviourment in all bad ways humans are the reason global warming is happing .

Nick C said...

It's interesting to note that modern humans have been around for a very long time and lived for much of it without causing much irreparable damage to the ENVIRONMENT.

Matthew b said...

humans impact the environment by making acid rain from using cars and making gases go into the air.

Alexisb said...

humans are affecting the envorment by cutting down trees and littering.

Tim D said...

People smoked.


people smoking and littering

Anonymous said...

People litter and they idle their cars while not driving

Hannah Perkins said...

People are affecting the environment by littering and sometimes in ports oil spills and hurts the animals and plants.

Jacob Varney said...

People can cause forrest fires by throwing lit cigarets on the ground in dry leaves or dry areas.

Kiara M. said...

Humans are effecting the environment by polluting. People are creating water pollution, air pollution, and land pollution.

Alicia said...

Peppole litter.

emily b said...

People pollute air and water by oil spills and trash.

Brooke DeCapua said...

Humans affect the environment by when they smoke and throw it anywhere. People just throw their trash out on the roads and don't respect their land. Also people ruin animals habitats like cutting down all the trees to make houses and buildings.

Jacob Varney said...

People can also litter and that can be bad for animals.

Brooke Carman said...

People can litter, and pollute the air with factories. They cut down trees for paper and Destroy natural habitats. They drill in the ocean sometimes, and oil spills happen. That causes animals to drown in the oil, get covered in the oil so its harder to move, and kill them. They can also do positive things too. People help endangered and sick animals. They can PREVENT fires too. We can help and purify water.

Wayne Twombly said...

As people mine into the ground to take resources as in decreasing stuff.

Captain Planet said...

People can pollute with milons of landfills,people smoking and oil spills.

Cameron M said...

Some human impact is good and some bad something that is bad that we impact is pollution, another is Ocean acidification which is when fish can't live in the water anymore.

Lewin P said...

Well, humans pollute the earth by driving cars.

Anonymous said...

Humans pollute water, air, using all the fossil fuels, and nevertheless are destroying the world. :)

Ian R. said...

Humans cut down forests for lumber and cause there to be less trees.

Sameena F. said...

Humans liter on the earth, and sinks into the soil. People also use cars and the gas from the car pollutes the air. :))

Abby D. said...

People create water pollution, air pollution, and land pollution.

Dakota Sanborn said...

When people liter, some animals might think it's food and eat it which can be bad for the animals.

Anthony B said...

Humans impact the environment by polluting the waterways, littering, and polluting the air.

Nadia McElroy said...

Humans are ruining the earth by cutting down trees and building buildings so the smoke coming from the buildings are destroying the atmosphere and causing global warming.

Isaiah w said...

Humans pollute the waters with oil when boats leek, and people pollute air when they smoke.

Hannah M said...

Humans ruin the earth by cutting down all of our forests and building buildings and the smoke coming from the buildings are destroying the atmosphere and causing global warming!

Megan.A said...

Humans, Are making way to many Walmart's !!!

Anonymous said...

Human put trash in ocean and it kills the whale.

Jimbo S. said...

Humans can impact the earth by drilling or leaking oil into the ocean or driving cars and polluting the air.

Anonymous said...

People impact the environment with pollution from cars.

kobe d said...

When people litter the environment dies

Nicole Printy said...

People can change the world by using cars. The pollution from the car go into the air and pollutes it.

Anonymous said...

People put a lot of trash in the ocean and it kills a lot of animals.

Lauren M said...

It's interesting to note that modern humans have been around for a very long time and lived for much of it without causing much irreparable damage to the environment. However, over exploitation and pollution have started affecting the environment negatively over the last few centuries.

Kassidy D said...

The change physical features of the world by doing things like cutting down trees.

Jack B said...

People drill holes in the ocean and then it can cause a oil leak and kill fish and stuff.

Gianna M said...

When people litter that impacts the inviorment a lot.