Monday, December 1, 2014

Use it again

What are some renewable resources that are used for energy? If you need to research please cite your source? 


Xx_Aaron_Peter_Mills_xX said...

well, energy from windmills are renewable, water is renewable, and rocks are renewable.

Anonymous said...

A nice renewable resource would be water! Very simple to obtain and can be used as a powerful fuel.

yvette C said...

oxygen, fresh water, solar energy, timber, and biomass are some renewable resource.

Olivia M said...

Solar energy is a renewable resource.

Maddi T. said...

A renewable resource that is used for energy is wind because people use wind for power sometimes.

camden taylor said...

A good renewable resource is air.

owenmerola said...

Solar power is a renewable resource.

Anonymous said...

We can renew water, we used it to power old mills! We can also renew wind; we have windmills which are even positioned in the ocean. We can renew sunlight, or solar energy. Some people have solar panels on top of their house. More people are using these sources daily, but most of us in the world choose to use nonrenewable sources.

Matthew b said...

Air and water are both renewable like a windmill reuses wind.

Anonymous said...

Solar power is a renewable resource.


Wave Power and Tital Power, Soloar Power and Wind Power and Hydroelectricity and Radiant Energy

Anonymous said...

We can renew water and air and windmills.

Tim D said...

Wind by Tim Dyer

Hannah Perkins said...

Sunlight is a renewable energy.

haley marsico said...

Coal because it can be made into charcoal.

Brooke DeCapua said...

We can renew water and air.

Kiara M. said...

Solar. This form of energy relies on the nuclear fusion power from the core of the Sun. This energy can be collected and converted in a few different ways. The range is from solar water heating with solar collectors or attic cooling with solar attic fans for domestic use to the complex technologies of direct conversion of sunlight to electrical energy using mirrors and boilers or photovoltaic cells. Unfortunately these are currently insufficient to fully power our modern society.

Wind Power. The movement of the atmosphere is driven by differences of temperature at the Earth's surface due to varying temperatures of the Earth's surface when lit by sunlight. Wind energy can be used to pump water or generate electricity, but requires extensive areal coverage to produce significant amounts of energy.


A renewable resorse could be solar power or the energy from a wind mill.

Alicia F said...

there is solor power and wind power

emily b said...

some renewable energy like you can use wind for windmills, solar power with solar panels and water for water mills.

Jakob P said...

Sunlight can be new untill it blows up.

Anonymous said...

Sunlight is a renewable source for solar panels

Greenman said...
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Paige M. said...

Water, the force may create energy. Water renews itself.

Josh Y said...

A renewable energy is air, water, solar, wind, and stuff like that.

Chris Payeur said...

Water is a renewable resource.

Kevin D. said...

Solar power is a renewable resource.

Cameron M. said...

A renewable resource is wind it will never stop.

Ian R. said...

Wind and solar energy are renewable resources.

Anonymous said...

Solar power.

Anonymous said...

a renewable resource is solar energy

camden said...

solar power

Anthony B said...

Wind is a renewable resource that can be used as energy.

Anonymous said...

Wind is a renewable resource.

Isaiah w said...

A renewable resource is wind and wind farms create energy.

Ryan S. said...


Hannah M said...

Wind and solar energy are both renewable resources.

Abby D. said...

Wind and solar power.

Anonymous said...

A renewable resource is solar energy.

DYLAN N said...

Wind because it can spin some thing and make energy.

Jake Esty said...

The sun and wind. And also carbon dioxide.

Lewin P said...

Water is a great renewable resource.

Ryan S. said...

A renewable energy resorse is WIND.

Nadia McElroy said...

Wind and water are awesome renewable resources!

Aidan Farris and Dakota Sanborn said...

Wind because we have wind farms

Leah LaFrance said...

Fossils are a renewable resource.

tanya .m said...

We use wind power to power houses.

Anonymous said...

Wind and water.

Nicole Printy said...

Wind mills are renewable resources.

Zeke Sturgeon said...

Wood would be a renewable energy resource.

kobe d said...

water is renewable resouce

Gianna Micucci said...

An example of an energy recource that is reused would be water and wind.

Will H said...

water is a renewable resource

Colby P said...

Air and water are both renewable like a windmill reuses wind.

Kassidy D said...

Water and wind are a renewable reasorce.

Emily Palmer :) said...

Water and winds are amazing renewable resouces!

Jack B said...

Wind mills can be used for energy.

ethan.s said...

We ues fossil fuel to burn things.


Rocks is a renewable resource.

Cole S said...

Wind and solar energy are renewable resources.