Monday, February 27, 2012

The Nervous System

What do you know or want to know about the nervous system?


gail(: said...

I know that it controls your body and tells your brain what to do. I want to know how it does.

jarred s said...

i know that it makes you hert

DaleBourque55 said...

it controls what your body does and what your brain does

Sarah M said...

I know that the nervous system has to do with your nerves and brain. I want to know how many nerves that we have.

Dominique F. said...

I know that the nervous system has to do with your brain and tells it what to do. I what to know how it works.

KyleM said...

I don't know anything about it and I don't really want to know anything.

Sammy P. said...

The brain tells your nervous system to do what it does. Like smelling, tasting, feeling. What more is there to learn about the learning system.

Oja, Noah said...

The nervous is connected all through your body. Your brain tells your body what to do by sending signals throughout your body. Your nervous system also allows to to feel things. If you run into something, then you feel it with your nerves. If you get punched, then your nerves are affected, causing pain. Nerves are all everywhere on your body. Your nervous system allows you to tell if something is hot or cold.

Rea,Cheyenne(: said...

It has to do qith your brain and you nerves.

sophi3gurl said...

what i want to know is why is this system called the "Nervous System".

Lauryn F said...

what i know about the nervous system.

i know that it maintains your entire body.

Aleha c (: said...

i know that it has something to do with your nerves in your brain. and i want to know what it has to do with the brain.

nate said...

The brain tells your nervous system to do what it does. Like smelling, tasting, feeling. What more is there to learn about the learning system.

Emily G. (; said...

Your brain tells the nervous system, like feeling,smelling,tasting, and what is needs to do. I want to know what else the nervous system does.

Christopher N. said...

Your brain controls everything in your nervous system

sarah(: said...

Your brain controls the nervous system seances like feeling smelling tasting and what it also needs to complete. I also wanna know what else the system does

Jewel (: said...

The brain is the control of the nerves

Molly M said...

Stuff I know about the nervous system is the brain is involved in it.I want to know how our nerves work.

Lexi F:) said...

I dont know anything about it and YES I would like to learn about it:)

Brian B. said...

I know the nervous system has to do with your reactions.And I want to know what makes a nerve!

thatdaviddude said...

I know that it involves your nerves and your brain.

liam foley said...


kaylee m. :) said...

Are there different parts of the nervous system?

giants fan 101 said...

i don't know anything so i want to learn everything

caelin w said...

sorry giants fan is me

Jasmine Mason said...

Your nervous system controls your sense of touch, taste, and smelling. So if you touch something hot the nervous system sends a message to the brain saying "ouch! this is hot!" and the brain tells your hand or whatever's touching the hot thing to not touch it anymore. I want to know alot more stuff about it.

LizzyGaddy said...

I dont know anything about the nervous system. I would like to know what it is and what it does.

Nicole C. said...

What do you know or want to know about the nervous system?

I know that the brain has certain parts that control what to do, what you feel, what you taste, ect.. I would like to know what else the nervous system does, and I would like to know the functions.

Skye said...

What I know about the nervous system is that it is what tells the body what to do and it is the way to feel and touch. Also it tells the body when something happens and when something doesn't happen. I would like to know why everything in the body is so perfectly put together. Can you explain that?

Nurse Tyla G said...

What I know about the Nervous system is that that has all the nerves, and involves the sences, and makes you feel.

Stevey A said...

What do you know or want to know about the nervous system?

I dont know much about the nervous system.
I want to know how it works.

Maddi H said...

does your nervous system make you nervous?

Anonymous said...

i don't know any thing about the nervous system.


Dr. mr. Aj b said...

the nervous system is what controls every movement in the body

Anonymous said...

what I know about the nervous system is that nervous system helps or is controlled by the brain. What I want to know about the nervous system is if it is the most important system or is it controlled by any other part of your body?
Hannah wrote this(:

Camille D said...

I want to know what the nervous system is.

DR.KACEEb said...

More about Depression described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down
and not joking PMSING how s that connect with our brian

professor jacqueline said...

your brain helps control your movement which is apart of your nervous system but if you have a spasm in your hand,arm,leg,or fingers that is your nervous system & this is what i know about the nervous system.

Aaron R said...

your nervous system is made up of your brain and nerves. the nerves tell your brain your physical feelings and then your brains send a signal back that tells you the feeling.

Kasey G. said...

I know that the nervous system controls all of our movement. It also controls our senses, like touch. The nerve endings in our body are what allow us to feel pain. The brain is the main component of the nervous system.

Jordan F. said...

I know that the nervous system involves the brain. I want to know more about the brain.

Connor Pinkham said...

I know that your brain sends nerve impulses to part of your body. I would like to know how and is there a difference between impulses?

Archer t said...

I know the nervous system is how the brain controls the body and receives impulses from the senses.

emile w said...

The Nervous System senses pain and tells your body to move and regulates temperature and tells your involuntary what to do even though you don't think about doin that stuff

Lucas T said...

I did a project on the nervous system so i know most of it but i want to know how to tell if someone has a nervous system injury.

Liz Napolitano said...

What do you know or want to know about the nervous system? I know that your nervous system is controlled by the brain and neurons are in them. What I want to know i guess is what the neurons do. ?

Liz Napolitano

Mason B said...

The nervous system is mainly comprised of nerves that extend throughout our body. The main power source and command center of the nervous system is the brain.

Erik C said...

It allows you to feel pain.

I want to know if you can feel pain by having a signal sent to your brain without actullay being hurt. (Perhaps by a machine.)

Ian C. said...

What do you know or want to know about the nervous system?
What I know about the nervous system is that it is basically the command center of the body. I also know that in order to move, the brain sends electrical signals into the muscles and makes it move. One other thing that I know is that the brain isn't actually pink, it is gray, hence the name "gray matter"

Sara H said...

I know that the nervous system involves the brain, neurons, and the spinal cord. The nervous system helps you coordinate.

matt c said...

the nervous system sent electric signals to your brain upon different things that happen to your body. Like if you get hit with a rock the nervous system will send a painful signal that makes you show pain

Holly J said...

The nervous system is controlled by the brain. I want to know how the brain sends the actions to the neurons and how the neurons do the actions.

Anonymous said...

THe nervous system includes the brain the and the spinal. The brain i split up into two parts.
By: Spencer