Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Take a side

Which side of the debate do you find yourself on pro GMO or con GMO ? Write a post that gives one argument with evidence either for GMOs or against GMOs. 


blaze said...

Pros: Insect Resistance
Some GMO foods have been modified to make them more resistant to insect pests. The University of California in San Diego reports that a toxic bacterium can be added to crops to make them insect repellent, yet safe for human use. This can reduce the amount of pesticide chemicals used on the plants, thus potentially reducing exposure to pesticides.

Anonymous said...

A constant risk of GMO foods is that the modified genes of the organisms may escape into the wild. Some GMO foods have had antibiotic features built into them to make them immune or resistant to diseases or viruses, according to Iowa State University. GMO foods can present significant allergy risks to people, according to Brown University.

(these are all cons)

Olivia said...

I think that gmos are a good thing, they make more nutritious food.

Anonymous said...

con, according to Iowa State University, some GMO foods have had antibiotic features built into them to make them immune or resistant to diseases or viruses. When you eat them, these antibiotic markers persist in your body and can make antibiotic medications less effective.

Baylie A said...

i find myself on the cons GMO's, there are many reasons i choose cons 1 is because Creating super weeds that have evolved a resistance to glyphosate, a common herbicide in GMO food production

Anonymous said...

I am for GMOs. One reason is because it can make food have more nutritional value.

Elliot said...

Gene Tranfers

The modified genes may escape, like crops could turn into a "Superweed" and infest the world

Proudly sponsored by: https://www.livestrong.com/article/213053-pros-cons-of-gmo-foods/

Lindsey G said...

I am for pro-GMO's because they can help people. A reason behind that is genetically modified rice creating golden rice which the nutritional value is less than 10% of the daily vitamin A requirement, helping country's in which 500 thousand children go blind every year due to lack of vitamin A, and 1-2 million deaths a year due to lack of vitamin A efficiency.

rhyse said...

I am on team pros not cons because it could make edable food 8 times the size.

Anonymous said...

I'm against gmos because they give you allergies.

Isabella S. said...

I am for GMOs. One reason is because they can give food more nutritional value.

Hunter Murphy said...

I find myself on the side that agrees with pro gmos are good because it is good for farmers it helps there yield for more crops

madyson said...

I am on the GMO side because it makes you use less pesticide. You use less pesticide because the gmo is acting like a pesticide.

Elias said...

I am pro GMO because it decreases world hunger and helps prevent crops from bugs and deseases

Dylan .l said...

i think that gmos are good because the gould give people what the alwas wanted

Ava-Mae Hymer said...

I, personally, am supportive of the use of GMOs in organisms. GMOs can help to end starvation by making it so more foods are able to flourish in climates where they generally wouldn't survive. Sure, antibiotics won't be as effective, but having a cold is a small price to pay for not dying of starvation.

Fiona M. said...

I find myseld on con GMO. GMO's can be harmful to the environment and organisms around us. Some concerns on genetically modified foods are new allergens, increased toicity, and decreased nutrition.

Brandon.G. said...

I would go with the pro side of the GMO. GMO's can cost less money and you can grow more off. GMO's also protects soil, But GMO's can cause allergies in gene transfer.

Anonymous said...

I am against GMOs because people could get out of hand very quickly and we could damage our ecosystem or way of life to the point where we can not reverse it.

Anonymous said...

Pro because it uses less pesticide. GMOs protect plants from bugs and also protects soil.

Anonymous said...

I am on the non GMO side. The pesticides are very bad for humans, vitamin A is a lot of GMO foods. Some of it has blinded more then over 500,000 kids! Although some scientists say GMOS are harmless, clearly there not.


Allie said...

I am against GMO because i want natural foods.

Grace.D said...

I find myself on the con side because with the gene transfer someone could have the item and they could be allergic to one of the ingredents in there.

Ashley Stanton said...

I'm pro GMO, because it makes it so that plants and food that couldn't grow in certain places, be able to grow in places that couldn't before.

Amelia M said...

GMOs are beneficial to the growing society that we live in. Genetically modified crops provide more crops which, gives us more food
so, we can feed more people. Also, the plentiful amount makes it so we have to spend less money.

zander glidden said...

i'm on gmo's are good teem.

cus less pesticide that is good cus that means less pesticide go's in the Soil wich means less pesticide in the H2O

eThAN KaNE said...

PRO BECAUSE GMO'S MAKE EVERYTHING TASTE YUMMY. First things first they're artificial so the really good for you. and who doesn't like anything without them... no one of course.

Anonymous said...

I would go with the pros of GMOs because they give more crops.

Jess M said...

i am pro GMO, because i think that GMOs can really help the environment and people.

Allie said...

II am con GMO because they could make some people sick, they can cause allergies, and most are not tested throughly.

Carson R. said...

I am on pro GMO because GMO can help feed more people so there will be less people with hunger. http://12.000.scripts.mit.edu/mission2014/genetically-modified-crops.

Kaylah S. said...

GMO's are not good. They can cause side affects in people, they can go into the wild and harm out environment, and also sometimes Gmo's are not thoroughly tested.

madyson said...

I am for the pros GMOs. One reason is because they can give food more nutritional value.