Tuesday, January 30, 2018


What helps an animal to survive in the wild? What type of characteristics? 


Elliot said...

Adaptations help animals cope with the environment.

kaleb said...


A dog can identify a sound’s location much faster than a human can, as well as hear sounds four times farther away than humans. Dogs have a sense of smell ranging from 100,000 to 1,000,000 times more sensitive than a human’s; 100 million times greater in bloodhounds. To locate a smell, a dog uses his/her wet nose to determine the direction of the air current that contains the smell they are following.

Baylie A said...

some animal characteristics are the animals fur, water, prey, and the habitat that they live in

Anonymous said...
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blaze said...


Elephants can smell water up to three miles away. They live in matriarchal societies with strong social bonds that endure for decades. Elephants grieve at the death of a family member or friend. Touching is an important form of communication among elephants (Individuals greet each other by stroking or wrapping their trunks.)

An elephant’s trunk is a multi-tasking instrument used for breathing, syphoning and spraying water, smelling, touching, grasping and making sound. An elephant can lift up to 770 pounds with her trunk, but it can also be used for delicate tasks like wiping an eye. When under water, an elephant uses his or her trunk as a snorkel.

Honey bees:

If you put a honey bee in school they would ace physical ed, geography and geometry! That’s because honey bees dance to communicate important information, such as where food or a new home can be found. Scientists have decoded these dances to discover that honey bees know the world is round (they probably knew it long before we did) and can calculate precise angles as well (which is very helpful when you’re giving a fellow honey bee directions.)


Hummingbirds have wings that beat up to 200 times a second. They are also the only birds able to hover, and they can fly backwards and even upside down!

Anonymous said...

Lobsters can live up to 60 years. They grow throughout their lifespan and are able to add new muscle cells at each molt. They can stay mobile, agile and fertile as they age and older lobsters may in fact be more fertile than younger lobsters. This is possibly because of a special enzyme they produce that repairs DNA sequences.

rhyse said...

A Rhino has a horn.

Anonymous said...

teeth help wolves in the wild so they can EAT kaleb

Isabella S. said...

Camouflage helps animals blend into their environment so that they can hide from predators.

Ember said...

A hawkmoth looks just like a dead leaf, an example of mimicry.

Jocelyn said...

Cheetahs can exceedingly fast which allows them to run fast and attack there prey in order to fully attack they rely on the muscle and strength along with biting and this is when example: when a cheetah chases its prey it runs after it and uses its hind legs along with there long tails to force a powerful jump which it helps them get on top of there prey and attach there claws to them along with biting on the necks of there prey which makes them die faster.

- Jocelyn

Kaleen said...

A good trait in the wild is a lot of speed. (like in the picture) As an example the cheetah uses it's speed to chase it's prey and to out speed other predetors.

Anonymous said...

A wolf or coyote can smell food or danger a lot faster than, say, a cat or a fish can.

Amelia M said...

The wings on a bird help them fly to where they need to go, away from danger.

Kaitlyn R said...

A rattle snake and its rattle. It helps scare off other animals.

Brandon.G. said...

Speed is a good trait because it helps animals run away from their predator and to catch their prey. So a tiger can run from predators but then catch it's prey.

Dylan .l said...

a bird can fly


a cheeta with it's speed to catch food.

Ava-Mae Hymer said...

A wolf or coyote can smell food or danger a lot faster than, say, a cat or a fish can.
(On my other comment it wouldn't let me give my name so it was anonymous)

stella said...

An animal with a good characteristic to help it survive is a rattlesnake and its rattle, it uses its rattle scare away predators and other such things.

Allie Nichols said...

A Donkey can kick someone ore something with its hind legs.

Ashley Stanton said...

Every animal has something to help it survive weather it's camouflage, claws, teeth, or poison. These things are traits or characteristics.

zander glidden said...

a tiger has teeth in its math that helps it fiend vidil parts of the pray so it can get the kill

Anonymous said...

It survives cause it adapts to the environment and it thrives for food water and the ladies.

Paul Bellonzi said...

A frog has legs to help it swim

Allie D. said...

A moose has long legs to help run fast from predators. They also have cloven hooves to help from sinking into snow. Animals need certain characteristics to help them survive in the wild.

Kaylah Swan said...

It depends on what environment they are in. If they are in the Northeast, then a think fur coat and hunting ability will help. If they are in the Southern, A thin coat, with a hunting ability. If they are in the Northwest then a thin coat and hunting abilitys. It would be beneficial if all animals had sharp teeth.

Carson R. said...

My Animal is a polar bear a polar bear adapted and now has more fur to keep it warm and white fur for hiding in the snowy climate this is how it adapted to survive in the wild.

Luke R said...

Elephant it has its tusks to fight things off and its super thicc

Jordan Hanson said...

Many things help an animal survive like camouflage, speed, teeth, venom, any defense mechanism.

Anonymous said...

Cheetahs can survive in the wild by adapting to the environment with camouflage and speed. They have a light brown tan color with dark spots.


Dik-Diks: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT39_98mZ57GWzbGdwN7TaaFYQ0RX4YZiPIyzC572X_LoYijmUU

They are like deer and like celery and other herbs and when they get older they get herbs and use them to fend themselves off.

Dominick said...

A tiger can survive in the wild with their body weight to take out prey and they are good swimmers which help kill prey while swimming. They use these characteristics to help survive.

Fiona M. said...

Having legs and a mouth can help animals to survive so they can eat and not die of hunger and run or walk to certain places.