Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Genetic Engineering and Humans

Watch the following videos linked  and then answer the questions.

Video link 1

Video Link 2

What are some of the benefits and harms of genetic engineering? 

How can a bacteria such as E. Coli be used to replicate a certain gene or DNA sequence? 


Jocey said...

some of the benefits are that the new version of something be comes better than the first / original.\

it helps to re do the failed mixes

Anonymous said...

It has some benefits like being able to produce organisms with desired features quickly, but it has some potential risks like the inserted genes may have unexpected harmful effects. E.Coli can be used to change someones behavior.

Elliot said...

1.) You can make lots of organisms but if you make to much it could harm the environment.

2.) I don't know????

Anonymous said...

pro: being able to produce organisms quickly.

con: inserted genes may have harmful effects.

Isabella S. said...

One benefit of genetic engineering is being able to produce desired features in an organism and one harm is that genetic engineering could have some unknown side effects.

Taylor Mitsin said...

Genetic engineering could help humans get ahead physically like in sports or help make more money in the agriculture business, but it could also be harmful to our bodies. E. Coli is used to separate the needed DNA and the unneeded DNA.

Lindsey G said...

Genetic engineering can be used for good, like for helping animals be stronger or smarter to survive longer, or making plants able to live longer without freezing or being eaten by bugs. But genetic engineering can also take a bad turn because there are people who would take advantage of it for selfish reasons instead of helping and improving the capabilities of science. For replicating a certain gene or DNA sequence with E. Coli you put new plasmids into the E. Coli bacteria to let them multiply and then you will have tones of copies of your gene of interest.

Emily Martin said...

One benefit is being able to produce organisms with desired features quickly. One harm is the inserted genes may have unexpected harmful effects.

Alivia said...

some of the benefits of genetic engineering is that you could get you desired hybrid quickly and some of the harms of genetic engineering is that you could have harmful effects on your animal.

Baylie A said...

1.) some of the harms are if some of the wrong bacteria gets in to the cell membrane

benefits of genetic engineering is trying to get DNA's into plasmids and then trying to get the plasmids into the cell membranes

Bridget T said...

some positive affects are being able to produce organisms with desired features quickly On the other hand it has some risks E.Coil can be used by cutting out the DNA then putting it somewhere else.

Delia said...

1. The Benefits are that the genetic engineering is that it will give you abillties beyond beleaf

2. I don't know

Abbie B. said...

The benefits of genetic engineering include the ability to strengthen the physical and mental skills of animals and humans. It can also help develop vaccines, more crops, better crops, and more, however the harmful effects could be that we don't know what will happen long term, not everyone might have access to it, among other things.

E. coli can be used to replicate a gene by placing certain parts of the gene you want to add into a plasmid, then carefully adding the plasmid with the gene into the bacteria, particularly E. coli in this case.

Anonymous said...

some benefits for genetic engeneering are that you would be able to clone yourself and have another one of you. a harmful thing that could happen because of genteic engeneering are that there could be an accident and it could harm you very bad.

madyson said...

A benefit of genetic engineering is that there is vaccines from it and a harm is it can be dangerous. An E.coli can be used replicate a certain gene by combining them in a test tube.

Julia Ryan said...

Some of the benefits from genetic engineering are, you can make anything faster, stronger, or smarter. Some of the harms are that it can cause pain to the environment. E. coli can be used to replicate a certain gene or DNA sequence by using a bacteria plasmid and putting it in the refrigerator overnight to get duplicates within the container.

Hunter Murphy said...

Some of the benefits and harms of genetic engineering is that here are a few advantages is that you could be able to produce a organism with features quickly instead of waiting and one of the risk is if u inserted a gene and it may have harmful affects.

second part:

some bacteria such as E. coli can be used to replicate because DNA is a stable molecule composed of two linear chains suck as these chains are attached to one another through hydrogen bonds between the complimentary bases, The chain then forms into a helical coil as the bonding between the chains and the coil keeps the base sequence stable to allow the DNA to replicate its self. but the replication requires the uncoiling and separation of the two strands in the region where a new DNA is being actively synthesized,Then a new series of molecules are required to separate the strands and stabilize the coils in addition to the DNA polimerase and the associated molecules that make new DNA

and there is my answer to the blog question and here is the site i used for the second question


Anonymous said...

Benefits are say like bugs are getting into your crops and a company makes it so the bugs stop getting into your crops and some harms may mean that the crops might not edible.

Brandon.G. said...

Some benefits and harms to genetic engineering are you can be able to produce many organisms. But some harms are that it can mess up and have harmful effects.

Bacteria such as E.coli can be used to replicate DNA or a certain gene sequence, by letting that DNA use that organism to benefit it.

Ashley Stanton said...

The E. coil can have genes that we need or want in it, from putting different DNA and genes in it. We can replace normal DNA or/and genes with the one with the ones we made.

Genetic engineering can help us, because we can enhance people and animals traits, like brain memory, or strength. But it can be harmful because the enhancement can go wrong, and might kill, damage, or harm the subject.

Fiona M. said...

To get the plasmids in the E.Coli, you have to cool down all the cells qnd quickly heat them up. This creates holes in the cell membrane. This way, the plasmids can slip through to get in the cell. Then you have to estinguish the bacteria that got the right plasmids from the ones that got the unneeded plasmids. This is how E.Coli can be used to replicate a certain gene or DNA sequence. Clowning can be a benefit in genetics since some animals are worth a lot of money. Making genetic crops can be harmful, because they might affect the environment.

Ava-Mae Hymer said...

Some benefits of genetic engineering are the ability to clone certain genes or organisms. Another benefit is being able to control any trait you want, really. A downside of genetic engineering is the feeling of, "Should humans be able to control this?"

A bacteria like E. Coli can be used to make many copies of a gene by means of using a special tool to attach the DNA to a plasmid and placing it into a good place for bacteria to flourish, like E. Coli.

Anonymous said...

The bacteria replicate their DNA indepently of the bacterial chromosome.

stella said...

Some harms or benefits of genetic engineering are that genetic engineering can make organisms stronger , faster and smarter, but sometimes things don't work out and either there is a mutation or nothing happen. The bacteria E. Coli replicates genes by being cut and attached to the certain gene.

Anonymous said...

1. Benefits of genetic engineering could be better memory or a stronger person. But the downfall of genetic engineering would be that people could get to caught up in being better than everyone else that they would hurt themselves or we would end up with a race for superhumans, that scenario would present an infinite amount of problems. And even if genetic engineering was controlled there could still be an issue because people who are rich opposed to people that are poor have a better chance of being able to change their genes and we would be left with people falling further into poverty and others becoming more wealthy at a significant rate.

Carson R. said...

Some benefits are that you can use this to make things that can help humans like vaccines in fruit But some harms could be that it could be harmful and cause new problems that it was made to fix.

Bacteria such as E. Coli can be used to replicate a certain gene or DNA sequence by have a Plasmids inserted then it can grow in the bacteria and make replicates of the Plasmids with the gene or DNA sequence.

Jordan H. said...

Some benefits of genetic engineering are being able to modify things in way to help people and benefit our environment, but on the other hand it might not always work nor will it be natural. A bacteria can clone another animal so for example if you have an animal such as a cow you can clone that cow so you will have more of that same cow.

Allie D. said...

Some benefits of genetic engineering is it can enhance learning and memory in some animals. It could also make you stronger or faster. However, it can cause harms like allergies or making something wrong with the offspring. A bacteria like E. Coli can be used to replicate a certain gene because it already has some DNA.

Kaylah S. said...

Genetic engineering has some pros and cons. A pro is you can make stronger, faster, or even smarter things.
A con is we don't know if there will be side effects on people from genetic engineering. Also society is not good from genetic engineering.

Anonymous said...

1. Some benefits are that it can enhance your health and ability. A harmful thing is if this will be available to everyone.

2. Be putting the gene into a plasmid and then cooling down and heating up the E. coli to put holes in the membrane. Then you put the plasmid into the E. coli

Unknown said...

I Think that Genetic Engineering can come in handy sometimes and is good because people can use it to be able to make themselves stronger or have more stamina. It is bad when you put it in food because in most cases it can infect or poison your food that you are eating if the manufacturerer makes a mistake when modifying the food.


Dominick said...

Number 1. Some genetic engineering benefits and harms are that the good bacteria get inside the cell. A harm is that some cells won't pick up any plasmids or picked up the wrong ones.
Number 2. A bacteria like E. Coli can replicate gene or bacteria to get it into the organism.

Anonymous said...

Some benefits of genetic engineering are that it can provide medicine for humans and animals.

You put the gene into a plasmid and then you heat up the E. Coli to put tiny holes in its membrane. You then insert the gene through the holes in the E. Coli.