Monday, January 29, 2018

Defining the Words

Define the following words for science.  Use only your own knowledge, not what the internet knows. 







Isabella S. said...

Fact: A piece of information that is known and has been proven.
Theory: What someone thinks might happen and might be proven with facts.
Law: The way that a thing is soppost to act or do.
Hypothesis: A statement of what the person thinks will happen.
Belief: Something that a person might know but has not been proven.

Anonymous said...

Fact: A true statement about something
Theory: An idea
Law: A thing that something always has to follow
Hypothesis: An explanation of why something happened based on evedence
Belief: What one person or a group of people believe

Anonymous said...

Fact: definite, real

Theory: what your idea is on a subject

Law: a rule

Hypothesis: what your belief is on a subject

Belief: what someone or yourself believes in.

Kaleen said...

Fact:A true statement.
Theory:A hypothesis.
Law:A main rule to go by.
Hypothesis:A belief.
Belief:What you believe is true.

Baylie A said...

Fact: a fact is something that you describe.

Theory: a theory is maybe a guess of something thats going on

Law: a law is a rule for when they are studying something.

Hypothesis: a hypothesis is a scientific guess

Belief: maybe something that one scientist believes about something.1

Elliot said...

Fact: A statement that is true and can be backed up by evidence

Theory: Something that you think could be true

Law: Something you must follow in science or you could fail at what you are trying to do.

Hypothesis: An estimate or a guess.

Belief: Believing in something.

Taylor Mitsin said...

Fact-a proved, or a true statement with evidence to back it up.
theory-a fact that has evidence to support it but not enough to be a fact
law- a rule or a way that can not be broken.
hypothesis- a thought about something with some facts
belief- a thought about something

kaleb said...

Fact:Something thats proven to be known.
Hypothesis: A educated guess about something.

Alivia said...

Fact- something that is true

Theory- a persons thought on something and whether it is true or not

Law- A rule

Hypothesis- Something that is not true

Belief- Something someone thinks is true or false

rhyse said...

Fact: something that is true.
Theory: an opinion
law: something that is proven right
hypothesis: a guest
belief: something you think will happen

Ember said...

Theory: Not a proven fact, but a kind of guess that has some evidence to back it up.
Fact: Something that is scientifically proven with solid evidence for proof.
Law: A type of rule in science that will almost always be followed, such as gravity and its laws.
Hypothesis: A kind of theory that you make before you test out if it will work.
Belief: Another word for theory?


FACT: A fact in science would mostly be known as a scientific definition of a part of science that has been proven.

LAW: ??????? I don't know mr.ruby i'm sorry!

HYPOTHESIS: ?????? I don't know mr.ruby i'm sorry!

THEORY: A theory in science is a certain fact or piece of information that you think or know is proven in science.

BELIEF: A belief in science is mainly a piece of scientific information that you think is true when others may not believe that it is true.

Emily Martin said...

Fact: Something that is true not an opinion.

Law: Something you have to obey to.

Hypothesis: Something you may believe but is not true.

Theory: Something that is about something

Belief: Something you believe

Olivia said...

Fact: A statement that is true.

Theory: A idea that you have of a thing.

Law: Something you can't do.

Hypothesis: A theory.

Belief: Something that you believe in like religion.

Lindsey said...

Fact: a true statement about something
Theory: The guess of a story with facts that may explain something that is not explained in science
Law: A law in science is a statement and requirement that is or has to be followed
Hypothesis: A theory or guess of what something means
Belief: An assumption or believing in a specific thing

Anonymous said...

A fact is basically letting you know something about a topic, The law is a set of governments that create rules to stop people from causing harm, hypothesis is when you make a prediction about something, belief is basically a statement that is true, a theory is assuming whats going to happen.

Abbie B. said...

Fact: Something that is known and has been proven.

Theory: A prediction of what could happen or what something is.

Law: How something always works no matter what.

Hypothesis: A scientific prediction to the result of an experiment.

Belief: Something someone thinks is true, but cannot prove to be undoubtably true.

Bridget T said...

fact: the proof of something
law: a direction that you must follow
hypothesis: an idea that you think is right that will have to be proven with facts
theory: something that you think has happened that doesn't have all the proof
belief: something that you believe or think is correct

William Travis said...

Fact- A true statement that can be traced to scientific research
Law- A common physics term that can also relate to biology which means a outcome that will always happen after a certain experiment
Hypothesis- An idea of what the outcome of an experiment will be
Theory: An idea backed up by science and math that is not 100% proven
Belief: Sort of like a theory that is backed up by facts.

Tyler L. said...

Fact: Something 100% true or proven.

Theory: Something you think might be happening, but is not fact.

Law: A rule, like Newton's first law.

Hypothesis: An early theory or prediction.

Belief: Someones look on something or what they believe.

madyson said...

Fact: Something that has been proven to be true.
Law: Something that has been said to be true and tested and now is a rule for science.
Hypothesis: A theory that is trying to be proved by testing things out.
Theory: A theory is something that has been said and people believe but hasn't proven to be true.
Belief: A belief is something that someone thinks strongly and in their own mind is right or wrong.

Abbey said...

Fact: facts about genes that are scientifically proven.

Law: The laws of science

hypothesis: making an educated guess.

theory: more of a guess by many.

Belief: Something to do with changing genes.

Joseph said...

Fact: A statement that someone can tell you that is true.
Law: A rule for a state, or country.
Hypothesis: A prediction about something
Theory: A guess about something that you are researching that you think it is.
Belief: Something that you believe in

Julia Ryan said...

Fact: A piece of information that is 100% true

Theory: A thought that you have when something clicks together with another piece of information

Law: The rules you have to avid by, like in science you use the science law that Newton wrote

Hypothesis: The prediction you make before doing an experiment

Belief: Something that you think is right

Anonymous said...

the law of science

fact: is something interesting about a science topic

hypothesis is basically an observation about like those test tube things

theory is something that you predict like scientist about outer space predict things all the time

belief is maybe a presentation about science

Hayden said...

Fact: something that is proven with information.

Theory: an opinion that hasn't been proven.

Law: the laws of science.

Hypothesis: a thought or belief.

Belief: When they believe something that isn't real

Hunter Murphy said...

Fact:A fact is when you tell something about that thing

Theory:A Theory as in a thought of something

Law: Law is a type of thing that you can and can't do

Hypothesis: I don't know

Belief: Belief is when you believe something

Anonymous said...

fact- information that is true.

Theory- the way that scientists do things.

law-the law of science what scientists can do and not do.

hypothisists- what a scientists thinks.

beleif- what a scientist beleivs.

Meghan said...

Fact: A true statement.

Law: A strict rule.

Hypothesis: an educated guess.

Belief: something that you beleive to be true.

Delia said...

Fact: Fact means when you learn something new it is called a fact.
Theory: Theory is when you think something
Law: Newtons Law
Hypothesis: When you guess
Belief: When you Belive in something

Maia said...

Fact: A Hypothesis that has been proven to be true

Law: A scientific guideline that is proven to be true. (for example Law of Gravity)

Hypothesis: An educated guess that scientists will try to prove correct

Theory: An idea for a new scientific law. The difference between law and theory is that laws have been previously tested.

Belief: A personal idea

Brandon.G. said...

Fact: A true statement.

Law: A set of rules that we have to follow.

Hypothesis: A thought on something.

Theory: A possible way of something.

Belief: Something that you believe.

Ava-Mae Hymer said...

Fact- Something that is true.
Theory- What someone or something believes may be fact.
Law- Serious and unchangeable rules of life and science.
Hypothesis- A guess or estimate of what may happen in a certain condition.
Belief- What someone or something believes to be true.

Kaitlyn said...

Fact: A piece of information that is true
Law: A big rule you have to follow or get a punishment if broken
hypothesis: A theory about something
theory: A guess or a thought that you think might happen
belief: Something someone believes in

Elias said...

Fact: a piece of knowledge that is guaranteed to be correct
Theory: a hypothesis that may or may not be true
Law: something you have to follow
Hypothesis: an educated guess
Belief: something you feel is right

Anonymous said...

Fact: something true
Theory: A guess
Law: A rule
Hypothesis: A educated guess
Belief: Something someone believes in.

Fiona M. said...

Fact: A true statement.
Theory: What you believe.
Law: A rule that you have to follow.
Hypothesis: What you are trying to prove.
Belief: What you think the outcome will be.

Amelia M said...

fact: a proven statement
theory: an idea
law: a fact that will never change
hypothesis: an educated guess
belief: thoughts towards something

Ashley Stanton said...

Fact: the truth of an answer.

Theory: when someone has a guess on what the answer is, or part of the answer.

Law: what keeps things legal in the country, and tells us what is illegal.

Hypothesis: an educated guess of what someone thinks about a topic.

Belief: what someone believes in, and what they think about it.

Ben Pooler said...

Fact: a true statement

Theory: a statement that is thought to be true

Law: something you have to obey

Hypothesis: what you think will happen

Belief: something that you think is true

eThAN KaNE said...

Fact: The real truth
Law: The rules
Hypothesis: Meaning
Theory: A thought
Belief: Real

brandy said...

fact: it has been proven it is true
theory: what you think might happen, proven with evidence
law: a statment of fact
hypothesis: what you belive is going to happen
belief: the statement of what you think is true or a fact


fact: things we know for sure
theory: thing we predict
law: you can't do it
Hypothesis: thing we predict
Belief: what you believe

stella said...

Fact: Something that is proven correct by using evidence and details.

Theory: Close to hypothesis a thought that as good reasons behind it.

Law: A rule or function that is or should be followed.

Hypothesis: Like a theory thought of your own.

Belief: Your opinion on something and why.

Anonymous said...

fact means: something that is true. Law means; something you need to follow becuase its a rule from the president. Hypothesis means: Taking a guess to what you think the anwser is. Theory means: i dont really know what theory means. Belief means; your opinon on soemthing like what you belive is true in the situation.

Anonymous said...

Fact: Something that is undebatable and if separate from feeling or opinion.

Law: A rule set by a government that is then enforced by government workers and by the people.

Hypothesis: Similar to a theory it is only a thought of a possible chain of events.

Theory: A thought that is yet to be confirmed.

Belief: Usually completely separate from fact and relies on only feeling or opinion.

Adam said...

Fact: Something about something that is true
Theory: A thought about something.
Law: A rule to society
Hypothesis: Your guess about a topic
Belief: Something that you believe.

Allie Nichols said...

Fact: A fact is something that is true like a clone is a twin.
Theory: An Explanation
Law: A rule you have to follow
Hypothesis: A statement
Belief: something that is not real.

Matthew said...

Fact something that is true
Law a rule
Theory an idea
Hypothesis what somebody thinks something can do
Belief it is something that you believe

Kailey Clark said...

A fact is something that is concrete and is true for every one not just a couple people.
A law is a rule that if broken most likely will result in consequences.
A hypothesis is like a scientific thought about how something happens or works.
A theory is like the way someone thinks or feels about something
A belief is some thing that you decide to go by something even though that thing might not be real.

zander glidden said...

fact is something that is the trof

Theory its like the cell Theory

Law a law is combating of 2 tings

Hypothesis a ges

Belief something that since can not prove

Kaylah Swan said...

Fact: A piece of information that's true.
Law: A rule that has punishments if broken
Hypothesis. : A educated guess on the subject.
Theory: A Prediction on the subject.
Belief: What you believe about the subject

Jayden said...

Fact: Something that is true.
Law: rules that the higher authority set in place
hypothesis: something that you think with the information that you know.
Theory: something that the people before you thought.
belief: something that you think

Anonymous said...

Fact: something that has been proven by scientists or someone else that is officially true about something that we already know

Theory: something someone comes up with to figure out something which can be quite interesting and intrueging

Law: a rule the government has made that you must follow or you could get arrested given a ticket or sued

Hypothesis: something that concludes a theory or something you've said the end part of what you've said

Belief: something you believe in that some people may not believe in its what you think about a matter

Paul Bellonzi said...

Fact: A thing that is proved to be true.

Theory: A system of ideas that lead up to one thing intended to explain it.

Law: A system of rules.

Hypothesis: A proposed explanation made up by little evidence.

Belief: A acceptance that something is true.

Allie D. said...

Fact: Fact is a true statement that is stated from an accurate source.

Theory: Theory is when a scientist makes a hypothesis about something and shares it with others until they find out the truth.

Law: Law is what the scientist go by before they make a theory about something?

Hypothesis: Hypothesis is a statement that scientists make before investigating the situation. The hypothesis is what they think will happen in the en.

Belief: Belief is what someone personally thinks about a situation; it's their opinion.

Anonymous said...

Fact: a thing that is true and proven.
Theory: an idea
Law: a statement of fact
Hypothesis: a proposed explanation
Belief: something that you think, something you believe

Luke R said...

Fact: Something proven true.

Theory: Something that someone believes in but not proven true.

Law: Rules that we have to follow by.

Hypothesis: Something that someone states that people look into.

Belief: someone or multiple people belief is true

Carson R. said...

Fact: A thing that is true

Theory: A thought that is trying to be prove

Law: a thing that everybody has to follow

Hypothesis: Something that somebody thinks is what will happen

Belief: What somebody thinks or has strong feelings about

Dominick said...

Fact: Something that is true.
Theory: Something someone thinks will happen.
Law: Something that you are suppose to follow.
Hypothesis: Something that you think is true but could be true or false.
Belief: Something that you think is true.

Jordan Hanson said...

Fact: A fact is a known and true information about a topic
Law: A law is a rule of science or rule of any kind.
Hypothesis: A hypothesis is a educated guess.
Theory: A theory is a educated and researched opinion that is believed to have happened.

Anonymous said...

A statement that is true about a subject.
A statement that is like a big hypothesis.
A statement that states that you have to or can't do some sort or sorts of action.
Similar to a theory, a hypothesis is a highly educated guess.
A belief is something like, it is believed that humans are lighter on the moon than Earth due to the fact that the moon has no gravity because the moon has no atmosphere.

Izak A said...

Fact: something that is true.

Theory: a belief or thought.

Law: what you have to follow

Hypothesis: an ideia of somthing

Belief: what you think or what someone thinks

Jordan Hanson said...

Belief: Belief is something that is believed by someone but is not known to be true or not.

Madisyn Metayer said...

A fact is something that is proven, A theory is when a scientist studies a is trying to prove what they think, A law is when you have to follow a step by step process, A hypothesis is when you take a guess but with no information, Belief is when you believe something is one way