Thursday, January 11, 2018

Categories of GMOs

What are the two major categories of genetic engineering?  Give an example from each category. 


Isabella S. said...

Two major categories of genetic engineering is agriculture and medicine. An example is, scientists made a tomato that has vaccines made into it so that people don't have to buy the vaccines.

Anonymous said...

Medical and agriculture, in medicine, genetic engineering has been used to mass-produce insulin, human growth hormones, follistim (for treating infertility), human albumin, monoclonal antibodies, antihemophilic factors, vaccines, and many other drugs, and in agriculture ,genetic engineering has been used to increased yield, drought tolerance, reduced pesticide use, more efficient use of fertilizers, and ability to produce drugs or other useful chemicals.

Anonymous said...

my examples are a lion for natural selection and a liger for artificial selection.

Lindsey G said...

Medicine and agriculture, like bananas with vaccines in them, therapies and drugs for cancer and diabetes, and apples with genes from an orange for more vitamin C.


A: the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.

Makenzie G said...

Two major categories of genetic engineering are agriculture and medicine. A example of agriculture is food can be more flavorful and more example of medicine is researchers are using it to dingoes and predict diseases.

Abbie B. said...

The two major categories of genetic engineering are Agriculture and Medicine. For example, in agriculture, some apples have orange genes so that they have more Vitamin C. In medicine, genetic engineering can help develop more drugs and vaccines for diseases that don't have stable cures.

Julia Ryan said...

The two major categories of genetic engineering are agriculture and medicine. Using genetic engineering in agriculture can make the crops resistance to pest and diseases. Using genetic engineering in medicine is to diagnose or predict diseases and using therapy or drugs to treat the diseases.

Bridget T said...

Medicine and Agriculture they work together because you can make medicine with the crops you farmed

Anonymous said...

Medicine and agriculture.

Medicine: Predict diseases and treat cancer and Alzheimers

Agriculture: Tomatoes that keep there flavor for a longer time than normal tomatoes

madyson said...

The two categories are agriculture and medical, an example for each category is for agriculture pest interference and for medical to produce medicines like insulin and other medicine.

Brandon.G. said...

Two major categories of genetic engineering are agriculture where people farm and modify plants. And medicine where people create medicine.

Amelia M said...

1. Agricultural
ex. crops that are modefied to be resistant to pestisides.
2. Medicinal
ex. new advanced medicine

Fiona M. said...

Medicine and Argiculture are the two major categories of Genetic Engineering. Farming is an example of argiculture, and makes crops resistance to pests and diseases. Machines are used in the medicine category, to help see if patients have cancer and other diseases.

Maia said...

The two major categories of genetic engineering are Agriculture and Medicine. In agriculture, farms use genetic engineering to grow corn that is resistant to insects. In contrast, genetic engineering is used in the medicine department much differently. For example, medicines such as insulin are created in mass-production through genetic engineering.

Maia said...

The two major categories of genetic engineering are Agriculture and Medicine. In agriculture, farms use genetic engineering to grow corn that is resistant to insects. In contrast, genetic engineering is used in the medicine department much differently. For example, medicines such as insulin are created in mass-production through genetic engineering.

MattyC said...


Ava-Mae Hymer said...

Medicine- Like how they're adding genes from other organisms into new testing cures for cancer and other diseases.
Agriculture- Used to get fruits and vegetables to have more flavors or vitamins from different foods.

Ashley Stanton said...

Agriculture- farming, animals, and food.
Machines- making clothes.

Kailey .C. said...

agricultural and medical

Allie D. said...

The two major categories of genetic engineering are agriculture and medicine. For example, in agriculture, we can use things to make an orange have more vitamin c or so a sheep has more wool. It can help medicine by finding new things to help cure diseases like cancer.

Anonymous said...

The two major parts of genetic engineering are medicine and agriculture. An example for agriculture would be if apples had genes from oranges so the could contain more Vitamin C. An example for medicine could be when doctors diagnose diseases.

Carson R. said...

The two major categories of genetic engineering is Agriculture and Medicine. One example for Agriculture that is modified is corn. One from Medicine is using it to created cures for diseases like cancer.

Paul Bellonzi said...

Medicine- We use genetic modification to cure certain illnesses. If person is sick, we could genetically modify their body or the food they eat so they can get over there cold.

Agriculture- We use genetic modification to help our plants grow. If a farmer has plant welting and one perfectly intact and is producing what they want, they could genetically modify the welting plants with the genes that keep the perfectly intact plant alive and make it so the other plants stay alive.

Izak A said...

I can replace material and it can get rid disease

Unknown said...

Medicine ïs one if the catagories and farming ïś another and you can use them to modify organisms and make them better

kaleb said...

Medical and agriculture, in medicine, genetic engineering has been used to mass-produce insulin, human growth hormones, follistim (for treating infertility), human albumin, monoclonal antibodies, antihemophilic factors, vaccines, and many other drugs, and in agriculture ,genetic engineering has been used to increased yield, drought tolerance, reduced pesticide use, more efficient use of fertilizers, and ability to produce drugs or other useful chemicals.