Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Two Systems working together.

How does the respiratory system work together with the cardiovascular system? 


Anonymous said...

The lungs take blood full of Co2 from the heart and then sends back blood full of oxygen back to the heart.

Olivia said...

The lungs take blood of carbon dioxide and sends blood back to the heart.

Elliot said...

Yes it does because without the respiratory system the cardiovascular system couldn't work and cardiovascular system couldn't work if the respiratory system wasn't there.

kaleb said...

The lungs take blood that has carbon dioxide and send it to the heart

Makenzie G said...

the repertory system works together with the cardiovascular system by taking some of the co2 from the air the you breath in and helps turn it into o2.

payton said...

The lungs take blood of co2 and sends blood back to the heart.

Baylie A said...

the lungs take the blood in and also sends it back.

Alivia said...

The lungs get carbon dioxide and send it in the blood back to the Heart.

Nicole said...

they work together by te lungs take blood full of co2 from the heart and sends back the blood full of oxygen back to the heart.

Anonymous said...

the lungs take blood full of co2 and send it to the heart

rhyse said...

Lungs takes blood from the heart that has a bunch of CO2. Then the lungs will send the blood back to the heart.

Cordelia said...

The lungs use blood and send it back to the heart.

Ember said...

They work together because the lungs take blood that is full of co2 from the heart and sends the blood that is full of oxygen back to the heart.

Emily Martin said...

The lungs get carbon dioxide and sends it in the blood back to the heart.

Kaleen said...

The respiratory system work together with the cardiovascular system because the respiratory system give oxygen to the cardiovascular system and the cardiovascular system gets blood to the respiratory system.

Taylor M. said...

The lungs take co2 in the blood and send it back to the heart.

Hayden said...

The lungs take blood full of Co2 from the heart and then sends back blood full of oxygen back to the heart.

Bridget T said...

The lungs get co2 and the blood sends it back to the heart

madyson said...

The lungs take out carbon dioxide and then send it back to the heart.

hunter murphy said...

the lungs send out co2 in the blood and sends it back to the heart

Julia Ryan said...

The lungs take blood full of carbon dioxide from the heart then sends the blood back to the heart full of oxygen.

Alyssa said...

The lungs take co2 and the blood sends it back to the heart.

Abbey said...

What happens is the lungs take co2 from the heart and send it back to the lungs.

Joseph said...

The lungs take in co2 and then blood sends it back to the heart

Abbie B. said...

The heart sends blood full of carbon dioxide to the lungs. The lungs then provide the blood cells with oxygen and send it back into the heart.

William Travis said...

The cardiovascular system work together with the respiratory system by having the lungs take blood full of Co2 from the heart and then sends back the blood for the heart to pump around the body including the lungs so they can function.

Anonymous said...

Yes because New air full of oxygen comes in and goes to the heart. Where as the old air full of co2 swaps places and leaves your body when you exhale.

Allie said...

The lung takes in co2 and the carbon dioxide leaves. The lungs provide blood cells with oxygen.

Ashley Stanton said...

Lungs take blood and Co2, and send it back to the heart.

GABE HARRISπŸ’πŸ€‘πŸ˜ŽπŸ’© said...

i don't know, don't ask me, I'm dumb

Grace.D said...

The lungs takes co2 and the carbon dioxside leaves. the lungs provide blood cells with oxegen

Ethan said...

The heart sends blood thats full of carbon dioxide to the lungs. Then the lungs will provide the blood cells with oxygen and sends it back to the heart.

Kaitlyn said...

the heart send co2 to the lungs

Ben said...

The lungs take blood full of Co2 from the heart and then sends back blood full of oxygen back to the heart.

Darren Joseph Haskell said...

The Lungs take in the blood filled with CO2 and turn it into blood filled with O2 and then send the blood back to the heart

Matthew said...

The lungs take blood with co2 in it and gives the blood back to the heart

Amelia M said...

The heart sends blood with lots of carbon dioxide to the lungs and in return it sends oxygen back to the heart.

Maia said...

After we breathe in O2, the O2 goes to the lungs. The lungs send the O2 to the heart so the heart can pump it to every part of the body (so it can function properly). After the body uses the O2, co2 is created. the co2 is send back to the heart. The heart is then send to the lungs so we can breathe it out.

Fiona M. said...

As the lungs take the Co2 from the heart, it is then sent back to the heart full of oxygen.

anna said...

The heart pumps blood without oxygen into the lungs, in the the lungs the blood lets out carbon dioxide and take oxygen.

Dominick said...

The lungs take blood full of carbon dioxide from the heart then sends the blood back to the heart full of oxygen.

Kaylah S said...

The lungs take the Carbon Dioxide out of the blood

Elana said...

The lungs take blood of carbon dioxide and sends blood back to the heart.

Allie said...

The lungs will take blood with CO2 from the heart and sends the blood back after filling it with oxygen.

Jayden B. said...

The lungs take carbon dioxide and sends it back to the heart

Carson R. said...

The lung takes in blood from the heart that is full of oxygen and then the carbon dioxide
gets let out and then you breath oxygen then starts the process over.

Anonymous said...

the lungs use carbon dioxide and takes it back to the heart

Jordan H. said...

The lungs take in carbon dioxide and then it sends it back to heart and the process starts over again.

Anonymous said...

the lungs use carbon dioxide and takes it back to the heart

Izak Alie said...

the lungs take the blood with co2 from the heart and bring blood back full of oxygen to the heart.

Jessica M. said...

the lungs take in the co2, and send it back to the heart.

SKITTLES (Jocey)✌️πŸ’©πŸ˜» said...

it does without the respiratory system the cardiovascular system wont work.

Alissah said...