Friday, September 15, 2017

Planning an investigation

If you wanted to see if something was made of cells and alive, what would you need to set up an investigation? Include all steps and materials required. 

Video about cells and living things 


OliviaT said...

You would need a microscope,slides and a thing to put under the microscope. That is how you would set up an investigation.

Anonymous said...

Brayden - If you wanted to see if something was made of cells and alive you would need a microscope and some DNA of the thing that you want to see if its made of cells. then you would want to put the DNA that you have under the microscope and see if its made of cells.

Ember said...

To set up an investigation to see if something is alive and made of cells, you would need these three steps. For the first step, you would need to have something that is alive. Then you would need to put the living thing under a microscope. The next step would be to observe the living under the microscope. You would then need to then look at the evidence (data) you collected. Lastly, you would need to make a conclusion from the data you collected.

Alivia said...

First you need to collect data if you want to make a investigation.
Next you need to get a microscope so you can see the cells from the item you are looking at.
You also need evidence to support your answer.

payton said...

Investigation #1: Is Tom made of cells?
Investigation#2: Are their Staph in Toms nose?

First you use a cheek swab in Toms cheek to find data. Then they put a cotton swab in Toms nose to see if their is staph up it. It will take 2-3 days to find out the results back from his nose.

Emily Martin said...

You would get something that you think is living and put it under a microscope.

Taylor said...

If you wanted to see if something was made of cells and living you would need to take samples and find a microscope that is strong enough to see if the object is made of cells or not. You would need to have the materials to take the samples and the microscope to look at the samples.

Isabella S. said...

If you wanted to see if something is made of cells you would need something that is living. You would them put that organism under a electron microscope to see if it is made of cells and to see the parts of the cells.

Nicole said...

To see if something is living and made of cells you would haft to find something that is living by going out in the woods. Then you would haft to get a micrascope to see all of the cells and see that it's living.

rhyse said...

First you should go outside and get a piece of grass. Then you should put it under a microscope, and see if you can spot little things that look like chambers. If you do, those little things are called cells. And that means it is a living thing.

Baylie A said...

1.) you go outside collect some living things.
2.) next you go inside and you grab a microscope and you set it up
3.)finally you take what you want to examine and you put it under the microscope .

and if you want to use a different type of microscope you get the thin piece of glass you grab a tiny piece of what you want to use and you put a tiny amount of water over it and then grab another piece of thin glass and you carefully put it over the item and then put it under the microscope and look at it

Elliot said...

Step 1: Go out and get a piece of grass
Step 2: Put the blade of grass on a slide
Step 3: Look through a microscope
Step 4: If it has cells then it's living

Makenzie G said...

If you wanted to see something made of cells or something alive you would have to have a microscope a sample and evidence. first you would need the microscope, second you would need the sample, and last the evidence.

KALEB said...

First u would need something alive like grass then get a DNA SAMPLE and then put it under a microscope

William Travis said...

To figure out if something is made cells you would firstly have to find something to study. Next you would put the item you chose to study on a slide. You would put the slide under the microscope and study it to reveal if it was made of cells or not.

madyson said...

To figure out whether something is made of cells or not you would first need to find something to study, for example a blade of grass, second you would need to put the blade of grass in the microscope slide to study it. Then finally you would look through the microscope to see whether the blade of grass is made of cells or not.

Hayden said...

To figure out if something is made cells you would firstly have to find something to study. Next you would put the item you chose to study on a slide. You would put the slide under the microscope and study it to reveal if it was made of cells or not.

hunter murphy said...

if you whant to find out if its living and made of cells you firstly need to find a object like a peace of flower then you will need a microscope then you will put the peace of flower then look i the microscope then you will see the cells then you will know if that object has cells or not.

Alyssa said...

First, you would need to find something to study. Second, you put it under a microscope. Third, if it has cells it's living, if it doesn't then its not living.

aiden said...

if you wanted to find out you would need a living thing like human skin get a sample of human skin and then look at it in a microscope.

Abbie B. said...

In order to set up an investigation to see if something is alive you would need to get a sample of what you want to know is alive. Then you would look at it with a microscope to look for cells. If you see cells that means it's alive. You can also go through a list of traits that living things require to see if it matches them all, but a microscope might be more accurate.

Tyler L. said...

How to tell if things you find have cells you can first, you would look the thing over to see if it moves, because one way to find if something is alive is to see movement in that thing (of course not all living things move, but some do and if the thing moves it is most likely alive). Secondly, you could use a microscope to see if that thing has cells. If indeed this thing has cells, you will know that it is alive.

rusty geisnger said...

To figure out wether something is made of cells or not you would need something to study on, like a frog ,trees ,or humans
then you would need to take a swab or some sort of sample from the living thing that you chose and put it under an electron microscope to get better graphics.

Bridget T said...

First you would need to take a sample, then you would need to put it on a slide, cover it with water, and put the little glass thing on top, then you would put it under a microscope and collect data about it and thats you investigation.

Meghan said...

you would need a microscope something alive if you wanted to see cells and some slides.

Julia Ryan said...

The first thing you would need to do is get a sample of the organism or just anything that you want to investigate. Then you would need to get a microscope to test the samples with. If you have a microscope you would most likely need the slides and glass sheets to go over the slides. Then you would have to get your samples and microscopes and look at the living or non-living things.

Delia said...

What you would need to do is...
1. You need something to test
2. You are going to need a microscope to do the actual investagation
3. You will need to get a sample of what you are testing
4. Than you will start testing you sample

Amelia M said...

To find out is something is made of cells you should follow these steps.
1. Get something you want to test on.
2. You'll need a microscope to look at the sample with.
3. Put the sample on a microscope slide.
4. Focus the microscope to see.
5. Enjoy finding out if you sample is biotic or abiotic!

Brandon.G. said...

If I wanted to set up an investigation to see if something was alive and made of cells i would need a microscope. I would also need to know what is a cell and what does alive mean. And if I already know that then i would just need to find things that are alive and go over the steps of what things are that are alive and have cells.

Grace.D said...

What you would need is
1.something to test with
2. you are going to need a microscope to look at your organism are going to need to get a small peice of your organism to look at under the microscope
4.thats when you will put the sample in between the glass and plastic so you can put it on the microscope
5.then you can go ahead and start testing your sample

Elias said...

you have to get a sample of the organism you want to see and then get microscope and look for yourself.

Dylan .l said...

to do an investagatin on cells you need an eletronic microspe and samples.

Anonymous said...

get a microscope then get a small sample put the small sample under the microscope then you can see if it has cells or not

Ethan Kane said...

If I wanted to do an investigation I would need data of something. You would need a microscope and some data to look for cells to tell if its living or dead.

Darren Joseph Haskell said...

1) To start an investigation you would need a sample of an organism
2) You would need a microscope
3) Put the sample under the microscope
4) Start testing the sample

Ben Pooler said...

to set up an investigation you would need something you think is living and a microscope to look at it really close to see if it is living and has cells

Fiona M. said...

To see if something is alive and made of cells, you need to follow these steps as an investigation. First, you need to find something to test. Next, you want to collect the sample and put it under a microscope to look at the cells and see if it is alive.

anna smith said...

If you wanted to see if some thing is alive or not first you would have to go through the basic test:
Can it reproduce? Can it move? Does it need and take in energy and create waste? Does it grow?
If your thing has passed that test then you can move on to looking at samples of different things and parts of the thing you are testing to see if has cells in it and possibly bacteria, if it does than it is most likely a living thing or was a living thing.

Ashley Stanton said...

If you want to see if something is living and made of cells, there are a few things you need to do. You would need to see if it has these traits. Growth, movement, metabolism, reproduction, evolves over time, responds to environment. If it has these traits it's a living thing. To set up a investigation, you need to have something that you want to know is made of cells, conducting easy experiments on it. You can also take samples and look at them under a microscope.

Maia K. said...

If you want to find out if something is made of cells, plan an investigation! For an investigation there are a few resources you need: a microscope and slides, patience (you can't rush science), and most importantly DNA.

Kailey .C. said...

If you wanted to set up an investigation to see if something was alive and made of cells you would need:
A microscope
Sample of something to investigate on
put the sample on a microscope slide
focus and look through the microscope
have fun trying to find out wether or not your sample is alive!!

Allie said...

In order to Investigate bacteria you need a sample of bacteria, a good microscope.

Matthew said...

You would need a microscope and a sample of something too look for cells to tell if it is alive or dead

Allie D. said...

In order to see if something is alive, you need an item in a slide, and you need a microscope. A slide is like a piece of glass that you put your item in and then you look at it through the microscope. If you have a good microscope, you may be able to see cells that some microscopes can't see. That's what you need in order to see if something is alive.

Anonymous said...

first you need a microscope then you need a sample of blood skin etc now look at what you have observe the sample see what you can find

Luke R. said...

You would need to get a slide of what your looking at and
something below it to see it (sometimes)and you would need a
good microscope.

Benjamin Osterrieder said...

If you wanted to see cells of something alive then you would , 1. something alive with cells, 2.A microscope.

Jayden said...

If you want to see if something is alive and made of cells you would have to have a slide and a microscope. you have to put the slide under the microscope and if you have a good enough microscope you can see the cells.

Jeremia Kendrick said...

You need to have something to attract the cells to so you can put it under a microscope ad to put it under a microscope you need a microscope.

Kaylah S said...

If you wanted to see if something is alive, you would need a microscope. You would also need a slide, or a sample of what you would like to find out about.

Carson R. said...

If you wanted to see something was made of cells you would need to get the thing you want to examine such as a piece of grass. Then you would get a microscope and put the grass into the microscope. Focus the microscope then look through and see the cells within your object. That is what you need to do to examine cells in a living thing.

Dominick said...

If you wanted to find out if something was made of cells you would need to test the inside of the organism and look at what is on the out side of the organism with a microscope.

Jordan H. said...

In order to see if something is alive you need just a light microscope. But if you want to actually see the cell and details of the cell you would want to use an electron microscope. You will also need a slide of the object you want to look at.

Madisyn said...

I would need a a microscope. I would need to set up the microscope and get a turkey feather.

Dead Bird said...

you need to put the picture you get on a computer and study it to find out what cells they are.

Nicholas F said...

To see if something was made of cells you would need a investigation. For that investigation you would need a microscope, special computers to project the picture from the microscope, and a handy set of hands and eyes. It is a bunch easier to see cells with an electron microscope.

Jessica M. said...

first, you need to know what you're investigating. then you need a microscope and slides. then when you look through the microscope, you can tell if its made if cells and living.

Emily Morrill said...

1. you would need to make a claim
2. you would need data
3.then you would investigate with a microscope
4.when you invedtigat the data you probly will see moving cells