Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Pandas like to eat bamboo trees including stems, shoots and leaves. What do the cells of the panda have in common with the cells of the bamboo tree.  How are these cells different. Please answer in complete sentences. 

Complete the plant and animal cell at the link above. 
Screen shot your work and put it in your class notes. 


rhyse said...

The bamboo cells are different from the panda cells because they have a cell wall panda cells only have the cell membrane. What they have in common is that they both have a cell membrane, it is just under the cell wall in a plant cell.

Makenzie G said...

The bamboo cells are different from the panda cells because the panda cells do not have a cell wall and the bamboo cells do and they are the same because the both have a nucleus.

kaleb said...

the bamboo cells are different form the panda cells because the panda cells don't have a cell wall and they're alike because they both have a cell membrane

Olivia said...

The bamboo cells are plant cells so they have a cell wall but a panda has only has the cell membrane. They both have a nucleus and a cell membrane.

Nicole said...

The bamboo cells are different from the panda cells because the bamboo has a cell wall and the panda doesen't.

Baylie A said...

they both have a cell membrane on the outer layer of them

Isabella S. said...

The panda cells and the bamboo cells are different because the bamboo cells have a cell wall while the panda cells don't. They are similar because they both have a cell membrane.

Emily Martin said...

The bamboo cells are different then the panda cells because the bamboo has plant cells and the panda has animal cells and pant and animal cells are different.

payton said...

They both have a cell membrane.

Alivia said...

The bamboo cells are different from the pandas cells because the Bamboo cell has a cell wall and the panda cell does not have a cell wall,The bamboo is also like the panda cell because they both use energy to grow.

Ember said...

The bamboo cells and the panda cells are different because the bamboo cell has a cell wall and the panda cells does not. They are alike because they both have a cell membrane, a nucleus, and use energy to grow.

Anonymous said...

Brayden - The bamboo cells are different from the panda cells because panda cells don't have Chloroplasts and plant cells have a cell wall animal cells only have a membrane.

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Anonymous said...

They are both alike because they both use energy and make energy but they are different because the plant cell has chloroplasts and a cell wall and the animal cell doesn't.

Hayden said...

They are both alike because they both use energy and make energy but they are different because the plant cell has chloroplasts and a cell wall and the animal cell doesn't have chloroplasts.

madyson said...

The panda cell and the bamboo cell is different because the bamboo cell has a cell wall, the panda cell does not. The panda cell and the bamboo cell are similar because the both have a cell membrane. They also both use energy to grow.

Abbey said...

Bamboo cells and panda cells are alike in the way that they both have a cell membrane and nucleus. But they are different because the bamboo cell is a plant cell which means it has chloroplasts and a cell wall while the panda cell does not.

Alyssa said...

The bamboo cells are different from the panda cell because the panda cell doesn't have a wall and the bamboo cell does. They're alike because they both have a nucleus.

Joseph said...

Panda cells are different then plant cells because plant cells have a cell wall and they get there energy from the sun. Pandas have a membrane only and get their energy from the bamboo.

William Travis said...

The panda cell and bamboo cells are the same in which they are both Eukaryotes but bamboo cells use chloroplasts to make energy and panda cells get energy from other organisms.

hunter murphy said...

the panda and the plant cell are alike because they each have a membrane and there different because the plant cell has a cell wall and the panda cell doesn't .

Julia Ryan said...

The panda cells and the bamboo cells are different because the panda cells are animal cells so they have a cell membrane and panda cells get their energy from other organisms. Bamboo cells have a cell wall and bamboo cells get their energy from chloroplasts. They are also somewhat similar because they are both Eukaryotic cells.

Bridget T said...

The bamboo cell has a Cell wall and the panda cell just has the Mitochondria but the both have a nucleus.

Delia said...

The bamboo cell has a cell wall and the panda bear only has the miochcondria they both have a nucluse

Stella W. said...

Bamboo and Panda cells are different because the bamboo has a cell wall and the panda only has a cell membrane.

GABE HARRIS🏒🤑😎💩 said...


Elias said...

They have in common the fact that they are both eukaryotic cells. What they don't have in common is the the fact that the bamboo cells have chloroplasts.

Allie said...

the panda and bamboo have nucleus. The only the bamboo has a cell wall.

Amelia M said...

There are only two major differences between the cells in the panda and the cells in the bamboo. The bamboo has a cell wall which provides extra structure for the rough and rugged plant cell. Another organelle called a chloroplast is only in the bamboo. The chloroplast soaks up the suns energy and creates food for the bamboo.

Brandon.G. said...

The Cells of the panda and the bamboo are both eukaryotic. Somethings that are different is that the bamboo cells have a cell wall where as the panda bear only has the mitochondria. But, both of the the panda and the bamboo cells both have a nucleus.

Grace.D said...

the things that these two things have in common is that they are both eukyotic cells.They both have a nucleus. Some difrannses are that the plant cell goes through photosynthisis and the pandas cell doesn't. Also the bamboo cell has a cell wall and the panda only has a Mitochondria not a cell wall.

Ethan Kane said...

The bamboo uses energy to grow and then the panda eats it so the panda can grow.
but the bamboo has a cell wall but the panda has a mitochondria.
And they both have a nucleus.

Fiona M. said...

Both Panda and Bamboo cells have a nucleus, however they also have differences. A plant cell has a cell wall and chloroplasts, however the panda cell doesn't.

Maia said...

The cells of the bamboo and the cells of the panda are very different, but they also have quite a few similarities. The bamboo and the panda cells are both eukaryotic, because both are multi-cell organisms. However, the bamboo is made up of plant cells, meaning that it has chloroplasts and cell walls as well as all of the organelles all of the animal cells that the panda contains. The cell walls give the plant more structure and more protection than the cell membrane gives the animals.

Darren Joseph Haskell said...

The bamboo has a cell and a panda has Mitocondria and they both have a Cell Membrane

Luke R. said...

The Bamboo cells have a cell wall
for them and the panda cells have a
cell membrane and
that would be the difference

Carson R. said...

A panda and a tree is similar because they both have a nucleus but they are different because one is a plant cell and the other is a animal cell.

Allie said...

Pandas and bamboo have some things similar but some things are also different. They are similar because they are both Eukaryotic cells. However, one is a plant cell and one is an animal cell. Bamboo and panda's cells do both have a cell membrane though.

Benjamin Osterrieder said...

They both have eukaryotic cells.

izak alie said...

bamboo has a cell wall because its a plant cell and a panda does not. pandas and bamboo both have a cell membrane

Jayden said...

Bamboo and pandas are the same because they both have ekaryotic cells but they are different because the bamboo has plant cells and the panda has animal cells.

Kaylah S said...

Pandas and bamboo plants are similar because they both have Eukaryotic cell.

kobe said...

there both living cells

Emily Morrill said...

Panda cells and bambo cells are similar because they bolth have a cell membrane and have ekaryotic cells. Panda cells and bambo cells are diferent because the Panda cells are animal cells and the bamboo cells are plant cells.


Panda cells are different then plant cells because plant cells have a cell wall and they get there energy from the sun. Pandas have a membrane only and get their energy from the bamboo.

Dominick said...

The bamboo uses energy to grow and then the panda eats it so the panda can grow.
but the bamboo has a cell wall but the panda has a mitochondria.
And they both have a nucleus.

Nicholas F🤡 said...

Animals cells and plant cells are different because a plant cell has cell walls, but an animal cells only have cell membrane. A plant cell has chloroplast and an animal cells do not. They are similar because they both have the same organelles like Mitochondria, Ribosomes, and Lysosomes.

Cordelia said...

Bamboo cells are different from panda cells because Bamboo is a plant, meaning it contains a cell wall. A panda has animal cells meaning it only has a membrane. They are alike because they both have Eukaryotic cells, and also have Mitochondria, Lysosomes, and Ribosomes.

Anonymous said...

The cells in pandas have nucleus's and cells in bamboo also have nucleus's.