Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Cells is it alive?

How do we know if something is alive and made of cells? Please give an example of something living and made cells. Also give an example of something that is not made of cells and non-living. 


Anonymous said...

B.H. - you can find out if something is made of cells by finding out if its living or not. Ways you can do that is see if it moves, see if it eats and see if it reproduces.

oliviat. said...

I know that it's alive if it is made of cells and moving and reproducing. A toad is alive and has cells because it moves and reproduces and a example that isn't made of cells is a rock because it doesn't move on its own.

payton said...

Humans are made of cells because they can move all by them selves. They need water,Air, and food

The school is not made of cells, because it can not move on its own plus it doesn't need water or food.

Isabella S. said...

We know that something is alive because it uses energy, it can reproduce, it is made of cells, and it can move on its own. An example of a living organism is a dog and an example of a non-living thing is a rock.

kaleb said...

How do you know if something is made of cells, well if it alive its made of cells something alive and made of cells is a frog and something not made of cells and non living is a rock.

Elliot said...

Living and made of cells: They are made of cells because all living things are made of cells, something is living because they
Animals live, breath, and grow.

Non-Living and not made of cells: Non of those are made of cells because they aren't living, breathing and they can't move or
Rocks grow.

Ember said...

To know if something is alive, it has to have a pulse, grow, and reproduce. An example of something that is a living organism is a human. An example of a non living organism is water. A human has a pulse, they grow, and they reproduce. Water cannot fit into those categories.

Makenzie G said...

We know that if something is alive it moves, and something alive is a salamander, and something non-lining is a tire.

Cordelia said...

Something that is a living organism and made of cells is either something that has a pulse and a heartbeat, or grows and reproduces like things such as plants, insects, animals, etc. Rocks, dirt, and water however are not living because they cannot reproduce and don't have a pulse, heart beat, and also don't grow. Humans are living because they consume energy which helps them grow. They also reproduce and have a pulse and heartbeat.

rhyse said...

You can tell if it moves on it's own. A rock is non living and not made of cells. A bear is made of cells and it is living

Anonymous said...

B.H. - an example of something that is NOT made of cells is a Rock. Something that is made of cells is a cat.;

Taylor Mitsin said...

Something living requires a few things. It must move, require water and some form of food, reproduce, have a pulse or brain action, be made of cells, and a couple different things. A living thing such a bird meets all of the requirements. A nonliving thing wont meet many if any at all of those requirements. It would also not be made of cells. A nonliving thing would be something like a rock or tire, hat doesn't need food or water and don't have a pulse or brain action.

Alivia said...

I know that a tree is living and has cells because it needs water and energy to survive and it can adapt to its surroundings, I know that a rock is not living because it can't move on its own and it does not need food or water to survive.

baylie a said...

Baylie A.

we know that if something is alive then it would be growing from the ground some example of living things are wood, moss, and others. and non living things are like a net, dirt, and building.

Jocey said...

How i know if something is alive or made of cells is........
#1 It would be able to move
#2 It uses energy such as the sun
#3 It can reproduce

How i know if something is non-living or not made of cells is..........
#1 It can not move
#2 it doesn't use energy such as the sun
#3 It can not reproduce

Elliot said...

They are made of cells because all living things are made of cells, something is living because they live, breath, and grow.

Non-Living things are not made of cells because they aren't living, breathing and they can't move or grow.

Living Things: Flowers, Trees, Toads, Mushrooms

Non-Living Things: Rocks, Sand, Gravel, Dirt

Kaleen said...

If something is made of cells it is living, if something is living is can reproduce or spread, it grows, and it can die.
Living: a fern, it can die, it can spreads by seeds, and it grows to a big size.
Not Living: a tire it can not spread or reproduce, it can not die, and it can not grow.

blaze said...

A bus in not made of cells because it dose not us energy other things that are not living are
rocks, sand, and the school.

a mushroom is a living thing because it grows other things that grow and us energy are
humans, ants, dogs, eta.

by: blaze

Nicole Cates said...

If something is alive then it needs water and it moves in some way. Something that is living is a tree because it needs water and it moves. Something that is not living is a rock because it dose not need water and it dose not move.

William Travis said...

If something is alive and made of cells it must be able to reproduce. It also needs energy to survive. Something that is living and made of cells is a Mushroom. Something that is nonliving and not made of cells is a piece of plastic.

Abbie B. said...

If something is alive and made of cells it needs food and water. It has to have somewhere to live, it will reproduce, and it will grow and develop. One example of a living thing is a worm. A worm does all the things I just listed. A table however, can't move, doesn't eat, can't reproduce, won't grow, and isn't alive so it doesn't need anywhere to live.

Julia Ryan said...

If something is made of cells it is living. It needs water and food. It needs a place to live and it moves. If something is made of cells it reproduces. Something that is made of cells is a caterpillar, it needs food and water, it needs a place to live, it moves and it reproduces. Something that is not living and not made of cells is a rock. A rock doesn't eat, drink, move, need a place to live, and a rock doesn't reproduce.

Joseph said...

If something is alive or has cells then it will be breathing and need some sort of food or water to live. Something that is living is a dog and a dog needs food and water to live and made of cells. An example of a non-living thing is dirt because is can not move and not breath and does not need any sort of food or water to live.

logan said...

because it responds to all the sounds

Alyssa L. said...

A rock is not living because it cant reproduce but there are a lot of rocks in the world but it still doesn't reproduce. Rocks aren't living things because they don't have cells. Mushrooms are living things because they can reproduce and they are made of cell, mushrooms also need energy and a place to live so they can stay alive.

Madyson said...

If something is alive it can move, eat, it uses energy and has a habitat. For example, a frog is living and has cells because it can move, it eats, uses energy, and has a habitat. An example for something not living is a rock, a rock isn't living because its not a living thing, it doesn't move, eat, use energy, or have a habitat.

hunter murphy said...

If something is alive then it needs water or food to stay alive. like a fox it needs water and food then a rock dose not need water or food or it cant reproduce but a fox can.

Tyler L. said...

You can know that something is alive and has cells if this thing/being uses energy, reproduces, needs food, and grows and develops. For instance, a frog has cells and is biotic because they use energy, they reproduce, they need food, and they grow and develop. But a rock does not have cells because a rock does not use energy, reproduce, need food, or grow and develop.

rusty geisinger said...

For something to be considered living it needs to consume energy, it needs a place to live or survive ,it would be able to reproduce, and has to have cells in it. For example, a tree, it consumes water and gets its energy from the sun, and it grows which is technically its movement, it reproduces through acorns ( depends on the type of tree ) the tree also helps humans in many ways when the sun gives energy to the tree (s) it gives off oxygen which can make glucose from carbon dioxide and water.
Now for something not to be considered living it does meet any of the living expectations, they don't consume water or energy, they can't reproduce, and don't need a place to survive. For example, a rock doesn't meet any expectations of a living thing.

Grace said...

if you want to find out if something is made of cells all you have to do is know if its living or not everything thats alive is made of cells so like humans are made of cells just like trees,mushrooms,grass, and every non-living thing has no cells if it was a tree then it died it has dead cells but then they disinagrate but rocks,dirt,mud are not made of cells

Dylan .l said...

we can tell that somthing is made of cels or living because, living things eat use enegry and stuff like that.

Fiona M. said...

I know that something is alive and is made up of cells if it uses respiration, it moves, it grows and develops, or reproduces. A cat is alive and made of cells because it uses the following examples up above. A tire isn't alive and it isn't made of cells because it doesn't use the following examples up above.

Anonymous said...
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Grace said...

also every living thing reproduces ,uses energy ,grows and develops and ,responds to stimula. non-living things do none of those.

Ethan said...

If something is alive then it will grow and develop. A cantaloupe or a human is a living thing and made of cells. Something dead is not made of cells like a rock or something.

Amelia McAvoy said...

To know if something is alive and made of cells it would have to meet the criteria of a living thing. Living things such as a human being are able to grow and develop. The need energy, shelter, food and water to live. To create more of the species and thrive, living things are also capable of reproducing. Non-living things such as a desk don't need any energy or water. They also can't grow and develop or reproduce.

ben pooler said...

an example of an object that is made of cells is a tree, a tree is alive and takes in oxygen and lets out co2, a tree can reproduce and it makes its own food.

an example of something not made of cells is a rock, a rock is not alive, it can't move, breath, or eat.

Kaitlyn R said...

How to know if something is made out of cells.

:It grows and reproduces

:It has a home

:It is alive

For example , a flower. A flower grows, has a home, and its alive.

For another example, a rock is not made out of sells. It does not grow, produce, and it doesn't have a home.

Maia K. said...

If something has cells, it's biotic. to be biotic, something must be alive or once have been alive. Something with cells must reproduce, grow, develop, be organized, use energy, and respond to stimuli. An example of this is a gorilla! A gorilla has an organized brain, uses energy, reproduces, it grows, develops, and responds to stimuli. A counter example is, a rock. A rock doesn't respond to stimuli, has no brain, can't reproduce, can't grow, can't develop, and cannot use energy.

Travis said...

One thing that's living and has cells is a animal because there is blood in its body and its alive. And a thing thats not alive and has no cells is a rock because it dosn't move and it's not alive it just sits there.

Anonymous said...

We know if something is alive it will grow and their should be more than just one their should be at least 2 or even millions unless that animal is going extinct and in order for something to be alive it has cells. Example a deer is made of cells and needs water, shelter, food, and more of its kind. Know an example of a nonliving thing. Example a rock doesn't have any cells an it doesn't need anything to live because it is just a rock it doesn't need any resources.

Ashley.S said...

There are a lot of ways to tell if something is made of cells. If it grows, develops, reproduces, needs energy, and needs shelter, it's alive and made of cells. If it doesn't do or need any of those things, then it is not alive, and not made of cells. Something that is made of cells and alive, are humans. Something that isn't made of cells or alive, is a rock. Humans grow, develop, reproduce, need energy, and need shelter. A rock doesn't grow, develop, reproduce, need energy, or need shelter.

Anonymous said...

How we know if something is alive and made of cells by seeing the thing grow and develop. An example is a oak tree. Acorns (seeds) falls off the tree. The acorn get planted in the ground. The acorns starts to grow a stem. Leaves start growing on the stem. The stem starts to get bigger and bigger. An example of a non-living thing and not made of cells is a rock. A rock does not grow and develop. A rock does not get bigger. And a rock does not grow leaves.

Dylan .l said...

We can tell that something is made of cels or living because, living things eat use energy and stuff like that. An example of a nonliving thing is a tire because it dose not use energy. An example of a living thing is a tree because it eats and uses energy.

Darren Joseph Haskell said...

How we know if something is alive and made of cells by seeing the thing grow and develop. An example is a oak tree. Acorns (seeds) falls off the tree. The acorn get planted in the ground. The acorns starts to grow a stem. Leaves start growing on the stem. The stem starts to get bigger and bigger. An example of a non-living thing and not made of cells is a rock. A rock does not grow and develop. A rock does not get bigger. And a rock does not grow leaves.

Kailey .C. said...

For something to be living and made of cells it has to need to reproduce, consume energy in some way and needs a place to live. A maple tree is an example of a living thing with cells, I know that because it reproduce through seeds it drops. Another reason that a maple tree is alive and has cells is that the tree drinks water and gets energy from the sun.
a rock is a example of a nonliving thing without any cells, i know that because a rock doesn't consume energy or reproduce. a rock doesn't meet the standards of a living thing with cells

Gabe Harris said...

The way you can tell that something is made of cells, is anything that has a brain and/or heart or can turn carbon dioxide into oxogen.
Things that are ether dead or thing like a rock don't have cells

Stella W. said...

A dog is an example of something that is living and made of cells, it's considered living and made of cells because it consumes energy, needs a place to live or survive, and is able to reproduce and grow/develop. The dog gets its energy from the sun just like everything else on the planet.
An example of a non-living thing that is not made of cells , is a tire , I know this because a tire does not follow any of the living expectations . For example a tire does not reproduce or grow, it also doesn't need sun or water to survive .

Anonymous said...

How we know that something is alive if it uses energy grows and reproduce for example a frog uses energy and reproduces. Something that is died does nothing and uses no energy for example dirt does't use any energy and does't reproduce.

Kaylah S said...

If something is made of cells it means that it needs somewhere to live, it consumes energy, and reproduces. An example of something made of cells is a guinea pig. A guinea pig needs somewhere to live, needs energy, and food and water.

Allie D. said...

We know if something is made of cells because they move, use energy, they reproduce, and they need a place to live. Something that is made of cells is deer. Deer need a place to live, they reproduce, they use energy, and they move. Something that is not made of cells and is non-living is a tire. A tire will move if something living and made of cells moves it but it doesn't reproduce, it doesn't need a place to live, and it doesn't use energy.

Jordan H. said...

You can tell that something is alive and made of cells by if it is growing and moving. You can also tell that something is alive and made of cells if it needs energy or uses energy. An example of something living and made of cells is a sunflower, a sunflower is living and moving. It also needs energy to live to make its food through photosynthesis. An example of a non living thing that is not made of cells is a rock. A rock is does not move nor grow, and it doesn't need the sun to live and thrive.

Carson R. said...

We know that something is alive and made of cells if it can grow, reproduce, take in energy, and move in some way.
Something living and made of cells is humans, something not living and made of cells is a rock.

Jeremia Kendrick said...

We know if something is living because it would be using energy, it would take up space in a habitat and have a habitat and it would need food and water, and sunlight depending on its species. For the object to be living it would also need to have cells and organs. A rock is something that is not living and is not made up of cells.

Unknown said...

Nicholas F

We now that something is alive if it grows and develops, and get's some form of energy. Examples of something and made of cells is humans, plantation, mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. Now here are some examples of non-living and not made of cells. Water, air, wind, dirt, rocks, minerals, vehicles, buildings, and all man made things.

Jessica M. said...

How we know something is alive, is because it reproduces somehow and and it moves. Some move very slowly and subtly, like a plant. Some move very rapidly and it can be seen by the human eye, like a human or animal. Even though a lot of things move, not everything is made of cells. Like a car, for example. It moves, but it does not contain cells.

Dominick said...

How to know that something is alive and has cells is that it moves without and thing else moving it. Like a bird or a bee it has wings which is how they move around faster then walking. How you know something is not living and doesn't have cells is it moves by something living moving. Like a rock a human would most likely move it.

Braxton said...

You can tell if something alive is made out of cells because everything that's alive is made of cells. Tigers are made of cells. Dead animals are made of cells but they are no longer alive.

Anonymous said...

If something is living it can grow has cells. Something that is living is a plant, it can grow and reproduce other plant so it has cells. Something that is not living is a rock, a rock is not living because it cant move, cant grow, and cant reproduce anything. it does not have cells

Jayden said...

you know that something is made of cells if in reproduces, uses energy, moves all on its own, and needs a place to live. For example a dog is made of cells because in reproduces, uses energy, and needs a place to live. An example of something that isn't made of cells is a rock. A rock does not reproduce, use any energy, it doesn't need a place to live, and rocks don't move unless something that is made of cells move them/it.

Anonymous said...

how you can tell something is made of cells is that it needs something to eat it needs something to drink it needs to have a place to live it must have blood pumping through its body it must have some sort of body structure it has to grow and thrive and must be a living animal/plant

Paul Bellonzi said...

Everything that was once alive or is alive has cells, but in different ways to.The cells that are dead are decaying but they were once living so that's why they have. Things that are alive with have cells have mostly alive cells the only dead cells are finger nails and hair. so every thing that is alive or once alive have cells.

Anonymous said...

We know if something is alive and made of cell if they do at least 1 of these things. Some thing is alive if it can reproduce, if it grows, and if it uses energy. An example of something that is living and made of cells is a human. Humans grow until a certain part of their life. They use energy, (eating food). They also reproduce. An example of something that non-living and made of cells is a baseball. Baseballs at one time were made of cells, that time was when they were leather still on the cow. But baseball don't have cells because they can not reproduce, they do not grow and they no longer use energy. Those are my examples of thing that are living and have cells, those are also my examples of things that are non-living and have cells.

Madisyn said...

A example of a something that is living and made out of cells is a tiger. The way you can tell that it is living and made out of cells is that it needs a place to live it reproduces and it grows and it consumes energy.
A example of a non-living thing is a rock it does not grow it does not consume energy and it does not reproduce.

Benjamin Osterrieder said...

We know if something is alive and made of cell if they do at least 1 of these things. Some thing is alive if it can reproduce, if it grows, and if it uses energy. An example of something that is living and made of cells is a human. Humans grow until a certain part of their life. They use energy, (eating food). They also reproduce. An example of something that non-living and made of cells is a baseball. Baseballs at one time were made of cells, that time was when they were leather still on the cow. But baseball don't have cells because they can not reproduce, they do not grow and they no longer use energy. Those are my examples of thing that are living and have cells, those are also my examples of things that are non-living and have cells.

Emily Morrill said...

A Tasmanian devil is example of a living thing because it is made out of cells, consumes energy by eating food, is capable of reproducing and grows in size.

A example of a non-living thing is book because it is not made out of cells ,dosen't consume energy ,is not capable of reproducing and cant grow in size.