Thursday, March 30, 2017

Path of Neurons

Please describe a scene that would show a person's reaction to stimulus and how each type of neuron would be involved.


Anonymous said...

A guy is running and a dog starts chasing after him and he drops his ipod touch.

ryley libby said...


Cameron Frost said...

The scene would include me at my seat and mr.ruby with a ball and him throwing it at me and me ducking. (true story people)

anthony johnson said...

i was makeing my way down town walking fast until a ball flung at me WHARRRARRAAAAAAAAaAAAaARRRAARARAAA the ball flang until a bouldozer came and it destroyed everything.

Havu said...

Trent farted and everyone covered there nose and ran away. (Trent would kill me if he saw this lol)

Rachel P. said...

A book hitting the floor in a big boom. I jump three feet off my chair.

Aiden S. said...

a dog barks at you when you don't know it is there. you will react by being surprised.

Gage k said...

a guy is riding a bike, and a car almost hits him, then he crashes into a ditch.

Jack hanson said...

if someone is sitting in there bathroom and someone jumps a lawn mower through the window and crashes into your bathroom. you jump and fall on the ground dropping you phone into the toilet.

mckenzi said...

a guy is driving a car and he goes to run a kid over and the kid screams and moves out of the way and doesn't die

JACK A said...

Getting hit in the face then dropping a shaggy collectable which cost your life savings on which means you would be homeless.Also you get fired.

Nico J. said...

A scene that would show a person's reaction to stimulus is a guy is running away from a dog, and using his inter, motor, and sensory neurons to run away from the dogs.

Allie H. said...

A person is walking with a glass of water in their house, and then the power suddenly goes out and causes the person to drop the water.


a guy drops a plate in the kitchen at a restaurant and customers would stop eating and look around.

Summer K. said...

When a car honks the horn and you were not expecting it.

t fraxx said...

If a kid is walking through the woods and a tree branch falls, he could drop his phone.

Rachel P. said...

Mr ruby if you want to try to find the video thats not blocked it is Season 1, 3 remember this.

ColiBrianna Howell/Lester nah Lester's better said...

A person named ColiBrianna saw Dan and Phil towering over her ( because they're over 6 5" ) then ColiBrianna runs up to Phil jumps and hugs him and then they fall deeply in love💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If someone is going through a haunted house and someone jumps out and scares them, they may drop their phone out of their pocket while running away.

Tessa L. said...

Someone throws a ball to you and you move out of the way so it doesn't hit you.

vincent said...

whatever they said up in the comment section

Jessu~ said...


Becca P. said...

Someone runs out in front of you in the road and you slam on the breaks trying not to hit the person.

Cadence W. said...

a bear chased me and i screamed

Anonymous said...

When your running from a bad guy in foster costume and you get scooby snax too be the bait and you run some more #Stroyofmylife

Hailey R said...

if a ball flies through the window you would jumo out of the way which would make you use your nervous system

Elise R. said...

You're trying to sleep in your bed, but then you hear a creak in the closet. A dark figure starts to come out of the closet, and your motor neurons contract your vocal cords in a scream. Your sensory neurons see the figure coming out of the closet... But it was just your cat lol you crazy haha

TIMMY Z. said...

Harry Potter is having a duel with Voldemort, and gets shot at by the killing curse, then his reaction is to block the spell, and send a wimpy expelliarmous back at Voldemort, which he of course blocks, then Harry runs away in fear.

KENNYB said...

getting punched in the schnoz and falling on timmys big ear

Jesse said...

You get too much popsicle in your mouth and sensory begins and it brings it to your pain senses and bam! It hurts... :(

LAYSSE said...

I could be sitting on my seat and a ball came flying through the door and I saw it coming so I moved and that made me use my nervous system.

Anonymous said...

walking is fun

Juan said...

Harambe was saving a boy
people shot him because they thought he was going to eat him

Anonymous said...

A ball gets thrown at your head so u duck and maybe scream

Alexia S said...

there is a guy and he is walking down the street and i wolf statrs chaseing after him and then he gets eaten alive and he starts screaming.

Grace D said...

im sitting and a dinosaure comes so i run away.

Zoe Schmaling said...

Sasha was in the weight room pressing weight when he realized it was way to heavy so using his sensory neurons to realize it's coming .then his nerves tell his motor neurons to move. (true story from gym yesterday)

Kadie K said...

One day a little kid who has supper rich parents get his an iPhone 7! He is 6 years old and gets a iPhone. So that same day he decides to go for a walk, he sees a rabbit, butterfly and runs this kid is allergic to butterflys and is tariffed. He drops his phone and runs. He goes to his parents and tells them, he get a new phone.

Erica C. said...

Dorothy could be walking towards the kitchen and then her mom Sophia could throw a plate at her and Dorothy would move before it would hit her.

Macey C. said...

I was swimming at the beach with some friends, and I saw a tall fin sticking out of the water.
" Hey, a shark." I said, then said, " Wait. HEY!!! A SHARK!!!" I swam away and pushed my friends out of the way as I went. When I got back to shore it turned out it wasn't a shark. It was a whale. Even worse!

Emma M said...

one day there was a fish and it saw a shark and swame away the end

Emma B said...

You were sitting on the couch and your dad said think fast and you see a ball flying at you (sensory) and you catch it quick (motor)

Brianna G said...

Someone was sitting in their room when they saw something flying at them through the open window. The sensory neuron part sees the object and contacts the inter neuron part. Then the inter neuron part contacts the motor neuron part and the motor neuron part makes you move out of the way, so that the object doesn't hit you in the face and give you a concussion.

Alissah H. said...

A guy walking and a bear ( yogi ) jumps out and scares the guy

Anonymous said...

your wernt paying attention and the guys shoots at you and your reaction is to spral

Drew C said...

mr ruby bouncing a ball and catching it

Mason R. said...

A guy is running and a dog starts chasing after him.

lindsey p said...

making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and im homebound
and then scoobeh jumps out of the bushes and pelts me with meatballs.
my hands go up trying to block the spicy sauce from my eyeballs.
it didnt work.

Jace S. said...

I walk through the woods and a bear jumps out. My sensory neurons tell me there is a bear. My inter neurons tell my motor neurons that there is some bear spray in my pocket and I spray the bear.

abigail cornish said...

say you were taking a run in the park with your friends and a rabbid dog pops out first thing you are probablz gonna think is run because if u get bit by that you will die.

Anonymous said...

one day i was at the beach and i got splashed by a poison and i jumped and fell in the water.

Gabby S said...

i was walking to the store to get stuff to make scoobeh meatballs. then, scoobeh jumps out of the woods and scares me so i drop all my money which scoobeh stole. so i couldn't make any scoobeh meatballs

Cameron G said...

Walking into a dark cave and a mountain lion jumping on me.

Zach R said...

Xander is driving down the road when a deer jumps out in the middle of the street and then Xander steps on the brakes but he didn't step on the brakes soon enough so he hit the deer and injured it severely then Xander laughs at the deer because it was making funny noises.

papa ryans said...
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Anonymous said...

A guy goes for a walk tiger comes out of the bushes and scares the man he dies from fright.

Xander B said...
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Emily S said...

Someone is walking in the park and then a kickball comes flying their way. The person's sensory neurons notice the ball then a signal is sent to their inter neurons and then it's sent to the motor neurons. Their motor neurons make them move out of the way.

papa ryans said...

I am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.sI am eating a chang zee and all of the sudden a wiled RYAN jumps out and and bites my chang zee and i yell send n.d.s

Anonymous said...

I'm on a boat. it is summer and the skies are bright blue and there are annoying seagulls flying around my head and i swing my bat at them. i only hit one which makes me mad. .One of them lands on a rock and sits down. I look around at the little speck of land in the distance. it looks like a meatball. a seagull flys onto my boat. scoobeh jumps out and starts shooting it with a turkey meatball gun. I scream because scoobeh is not supposed to have a turkey meatball gun. turkey meatballs are disgusting and gross and weird. scoobeh even once told me that he HATES them just like me. he is only pretending to like them because scoobekah likes them suddenly. ugh she is such a stuck up. i have always thought she was slow. she is. scoobeh can do much better than her. he is out all day working so hard making itallian sausage and meatballs and she is at home sitting. all. day. just. sitting. it is so stupid. why does she act like she is soo special when she is not. I would stop. I am just mad because i was excited for the regular scoobeh meatballs not the TURKEY MEATBALLS WHAT DO YOU MEAN. my screaming was because of my sensory. short term sensory. i reacted quickly because of my reflexes.

Ethan F. said...

When we feel something such as pain, our sensory neurons are at work. Then, our interneurons send the impulses through the brain to make a decision. Finally, our motor neurons tell our muscles to jerk away from the pain in a reflex.