Any type of rock (sedimentary, igneous) and even metamorphic rock can turn in to another metamorphic. before the rock is turned in to metamorphic rock it is called a protolith.
Igneous, sedimentary and even other metamorphic rocks can become metamorphic rocks when heat and pressure are applied. This process of rocks changing into different rocks is called metamorphism.
Sedimentary rock can turn into Metamorphic rock by heat and pressure.
The types of rock that are the parent rocks to metamorphic rocks are: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
The types of rock that are parent rock to metamorphic rocks are, igneous rock and sedemaetary rock.
Protolith is the parent to metamorphic rock.
Sedimentary and igneous rocks are the parent rocks to metamorphic rocks.
The types of rock that are parent rocks to metamorphic rocks are sedimentary, and igneous.
The parents to metamorphic rocks are sedimentary and igneous rock
Any type of rock (sedimentary, igneous) and even metamorphic rock can turn in to another metamorphic. before the rock is turned in to metamorphic rock it is called a protolith.
The types of rock that are parent to metamorphic rocks is igneous,sedimentary and metamorphic.
portolith is a parent of metamorphic rock
The types of rock that are the parent to Metamorphic rock are, Sedimentary and Igneous.
igneous,sedimentary,and metamorphic
All three types of rock igneous,sedimentary,and metamorphic rock too which is weird because does heat and pressure change the rock.
The parents of a metamorphic rock are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.
The types of rock that are parent to the metamorphic rock are sedimentary and igneous.
The types of rock that parent Metamorphic rocks are Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic rock.
The parent to metamorphic rock can be any of the main 3.
The types of rock that are parents to metamorphic rocks are igneous,sedimentary,metamorphic
The parent to a metamorphic rock is an Igneous rock that has experienced exreme heat and pressure
Igneous and Sedimentary
The types of rock that are the parent rocks to metamorphic rocks are: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
Metamorphic rocks are formed by igneous and sedimentary going through extreme heat and pressure and also metamorphic has 2 forms contact or regional.
igneous and sedimentary
igneous sedementary and metamorphic
The parent of a metamorphic rock is an Igneous rock that experiences extreme pressure, and heat.
Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary are all parent rocks.
The types of rock that are parent to the metamorphic rock are sedimentary and igneous.
The types of rock that are parents to metamorphic rocks is igneous, and sedimentary.
any of the rocks can be turned into medtamorphic rock with heat and presure.
the parent of metamorphic can be sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic just by heat and pressur
Metamorphic igneous and sedimentary
The parent of metamorphic rock is,seamentary,igneous rock and heat and pressure.
the mother of metamorphic rock can be any of sedimentary,igneous and metamorphic too.
the parent of metamorpic canbe sedimentry ingonis or metamopic just by heat and puresser
Metamorphic rock starts as protolith rock
The type of rocks that are parent rocks to a metamorphic rock are igneous rocks,metamorphic rocks, and sedimentary rocks.
The types of rock that are parent to metamorphic rock are igneous and sedimentary.
The types of rock are sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic
older rocks are metamorphic rock, igeous rock and sedamentary rock
Igneous, sedimentary and even other metamorphic rocks can become metamorphic rocks when heat and pressure are applied. This process of rocks changing into different rocks is called metamorphism.
the type of rock to parent metamorphic rock is sedimentary and igneous
The types of parent rock to metamorphic rock are igneous and sedimentary.
The types of rock that parent metamorphic rock are: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock all you have to do is add pressure.
The parent rock to the sedimentary rock is, the sedimentary rock.
The types of rocks that are parent to metamorphic rock are: igneous, and sedimentary
Igneous, sedimentary, or even metamorphic rock can be the parent rock to another metamorphic roc.
the types of rock that are parent rock to metamorphic are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.
metamorphic sedimentary
The types of rock that are igneous, and sedimentary.
sedimentary igneous or even metamorphic rocks can be parents with rocks
The types of rock that are parent to metamorphic rocks is igneous,sedimentary and metamorphic.
turns into sedementary
The types of rock that are igneous, and sedimentary.
Sedimentary igneous and metamorphic rocks can be parents to the metamorphic rock
Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary.
ingress and sedimentary
Sedimentary igneous can be parents with rocks.
The types of rock that are the parent rocks to metamorphic rocks are: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock
igneous and sedimentary
Three types of rock are: igneous metamorphic and sedimentary
Sedimentary, igneous & metamorphic can be parents to metamorphic rock.
Sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks can parent metamorphic rocks.
Igneous and Sedimentary
Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary.
sedimentary metamorphic igneous
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