Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What could go wrong with the human body

We have been learning about the human body system as a whole. Next we will be studying some individual systems more closely. We will learn more about circulatory, respiratory, excretory,digestive,muscular and nervous systems. Please research or from your own personal knowledge name  a disease or disorder that may affect one of the six systems listed. Your response must be in complete sentence and in your own words. 


Anonymous said...

Crohn's disease can severely affect the digestive system, it starts off by creating small little erosions on the inner layer of the bowel. Once the disease starts to grow, the erosions will gut much deeper and they will become ulcers. In the end, the bowel will become distorted and oddly shaped, also, the deepest of the ulcers can eventually become just holes in your bowel. If that happens, bacteria from inside of the bowel will spread throughout the body, contaminating other organs.

Anonymous said...

Also the sentence "Next we will studying some individual systems more closely." should be "Next we will be studying some individual systems more closely."

Braedon M said...
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camden taylor said...
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Maddi T. said...

A disease that someone could get from the nervous system is Brain Cancer.

Braedon M said...
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Allexius t said...

Huntington disease is a progressive brain disorder that causes uncontrolled movements, emotional problems, and loss of thinking ability.

camden taylor said...

Muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder that gradually weakens the body's muscles.

dominic l said...

if you don't eat healthy you could build up a wall that won't let blood get to your heart.

Anonymous said...
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Braedon M said...

You could get cancer and die.

alexis b said...

You could die of a heart attack.

hayden wilkins said...

lung cancer, Lung cancer is cancer that starts in the lungs. The lungs are located in the chest. When you breathe, air goes through your nose, down your windpipe and into the lungs.

Olivia M said...

In the respiratory system you could get lung cancer.
You could get lung cancer from smoking. Smoking decomposes your lungs and turn them black.

Anonymous said...

If you have internal bleeding, it could flood your lungs and you could choke on your own blood and drown.

alexis b said...

or you could die go a seizure

Anonymous said...

You could get epilepsy from the nervous system.

Anonymous said...

Some diseases/disorders that can affect the nervous system is alzheimer brain plaques and the inclusion bodies found in Parkinson disease contain at least one common component, while Huntington disease, fragile X syndrome and spinocerebellar atrophy are all 'dynamic mutation' diseases in which there is an expansion of a DNA repeat sequence

Maddi T. said...

There are two different types of brain cancer: Primary brain cancer and Metastatic brain cancer. Primary brain cancer starts in the brain while Metastatic brain cancer starts somewhere else in the body and quickly goes to the brain.

Dillonleighton said...

What about the Alzheimer's disease:progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old age, due to generalized degeneration of the brain. It is the most common cause of premature senility.

Jade S said...

You could die of liver failure this is what causes liver failure Liver can be genetic or caused by a variety of factors that damage the liver, such as viruses and alcohol use.

Anonymous said...

epilepsy is a neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance.

Jared S said...

you could die from aids.

Nick C said...


Anonymous said...

The desease is Crohn's disease. Its in the digestive system.

Anonymous said...

Spontaneous Human Combustion

haley marsico said...

Cancer can effect the human body.

Brooke Carman A+ Student :D said...

There is a disease called Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva that attacks the Muscular System, gradually turner muscle into bone. At the end of the disease you will become like a human statue.


A desease that effects the human body would be autism, autism effects the mind I think.

Brooke Carman A+ Student :D said...

There is a disease called Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva that attacks the Muscular System, gradually turner muscle into bone. At the end of the disease you will become like a human statue.

Cameron M. said...

inflammatory bowel disease could effect the bodys digestive system.

Chris Payeur said...

HIV (Aids) Will weaken your imune system till your organs turn liquid.

Paige M. said...

Depression starts with a chemical off balance and can lead to more very dangerous disorders, such as anxiety, anorexia, etc.

Brooke Carman said...

I meant turning* muscle into bone.

Jakob P said...

One is Ebola and Ebola hurts the cells and makes it bleed and it makes you die

haley marsico said...

Brain cancer effects the nervous system

emily b said...

Alzheimers is a bad disease that causes memory loss. This disease effects the nervous system.

Kiara M. said...

You could get a disease called tetanus. It is also called lockjaw for a good reason, it effects your nervous system by making your muscles spasm and to stop being able to move or work in the normal way.

Josh Y said...

Skin cancer.

Ebola said...
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Wayne Twombly said...

A disease is epilepsy it affects the nervous system and takes control of your body.

Brooke DeCapua said...

Diabetes effects our circulatory system. It gives you high levels of sugar in the blood. With high blood sugar you could experience polyuria. Also your body doesn't produce insulin.

Anonymous said...

One way the body can be affected is by Spontaneous Human Combustion.

Jacob Varney said...

ADHD is a disability in the nervous system.

Anonymous said...


Isaiah w said...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Weakness of the valve between the esophagus and stomach may allow stomach acid to reflux (regurgitate, backup) into the esophagus and irritate and inflame the lining. This results in chest pain which can mimic that of angina (pain of cardiac ischemia or an MI).

Jake Esty said...

HIV affects the immune system.

Anthony B said...

Inflammatory myopathies affects the muscular system by progressively weakening the skeletal muscles.

Lewin P. said...

Kidney stones effects the excretory system.... I'd rather not say anymore.

Alex Laflamme said...

Hepatitis is when the liver swells.

Camden. S said...


Camden. S said...

Cancer is a diseases.

Nicole Printy -_- said...

Ebola makes all of the organs bleed and make the person die.

editor said...


Jack B said...


Cole S said...

luggue eric disease effects your muscular system.

David Ross said...

The Crohn's disease effects the Digestive system.


Being paralyzed effect the nervous systeam.

tanya .m said...

Celiac disease effects the digestive system by when you eat gluten it tares up you intestines.
My sister has it.

Antwan M. said...

Lou Gehrig's disease is a rare disease that is Genetically given, that slowly forces all of your bodies nerve cells, to die. meaning you cannot feel anything that happens to your body.

Colby P. said...

There are two different types of brain cancer: Primary brain cancer and Metastatic brain cancer. Primary brain cancer starts in the brain while Metastatic brain cancer starts somewhere else in the body and quickly goes to the brain.

KOBE DIXON said...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is connected to the digestive system it is the Weakness of the valve of the stomach may allow stomach acid

Anonymous said...
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Kassidy Dunnells 👍 said...

Alzheimer's disease is a brain and nervous system disease.

Anonymous said...

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease.

Anonymous said...

It is contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles.

Logan H. said...

​Barrett's esophagus is a condition in which tissue that is similar to the lining of your intestine replaces the tissue lining of your esophagus, which can severely attack the digestive system.

Antwan M. said...

Only a Few People on the planet have Lou Gehrig's disease.

Zeke Sturgeon said...

there is a common disease called heart burn/GERD.

Gianna M said...

There is a lot of things that could go wrong with the human body, we can get lots of diseises such as heart deseise and diabetes. You can also get cancer, there are lots of different kinds of cancer.

Ana said...

The heart is made up of four chambers, the left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle.

Hannah M said...

ADHA is a disease that affects the nervous system.