Dominique and I are making a slideshow and each part of a cell is like a factory for us. The nucleus is like the manager, the E.R is like the conveyor belts, etc.
Before photography scientists used paintings or drawings to make visual records. When you google images for James John Audubon paintings, drawings and pencil sketches came up.
I used a factory as my analogy.
I am doing a city
Dominique and I are making a slideshow and each part of a cell is like a factory for us. The nucleus is like the manager, the E.R is like the conveyor belts, etc.
You stole mine and Nikki's.
Mia and I are doing a zoo.
Lauryn and I are doing a zoo
as my analogy
Just kidding, by the way.
garret and I are doing a forest
we havent started
me and timmy are making a house like object based on a cell
I am doing a factory.
Aaran and I are doing a factory
Me and Carly are doing a slideshow and comparing it too a school
Alexis and I are doing a school.
me and Catie are doing a cell analogy on the city
factory my group (me) (smitty) (casey)
we are doing a cell is like circus
Me and Caleb Curtis are probably gonna do a project
Me and Emily beaulieu are doing a slide show!
Me and Morgan are doing A cell is like a dirtbike! ;)
me and joy.k are doing a cell is like an ant
cell as a factory, and we're doing a keynote presentation. (Me, Alice M, and Katie Lind)
srry ment platypus
aasyhia and i are doing animal cells in a city
My group is comparing cells to a country.
Nathan Is Doing an Essay
nothing right now
My group is comparing a cell to a school
My group with Kaylee Collins and Journey Barnes are comparing cells to our school.
Im comparing it to a school
I am comparing a cell to a nuclear reactor.
Lauren, Kat, and I are comparing a cell to a movie set.
I don't know
Journey, Maddy, and I are doing a cell to the whole school
Me and Lauryn we are doing an imovie!!
Adam pride and I are doing cell to police department.
Emily Harmon and I are doing the cell as a forwheeler
Jacob good, Morgan sanborn,
and Jenny clarke are doing a cell to animals.
Our project is the mall.
Sheila A.,Zoe D.
Morgan,Jacob,and I are doing our project on animal cells.
Chance and I are looking at it as a skate park
I am doing my analogy by myself, and its based on a factory/buseiness.
Arlo, Aidan, and Bruce our analogy project is the Band Room!!!!!!!!!
Colby and I have decided an amusement park would be our choice.
Morgan Sanborn, Jenny Clarke, and I are doing our analogy on animals.
and jenn w
I am comparing a cell to a Water Park!
Never mind we are doing an airport.
Before photography scientists drew pictures to make a visual record. I found drawings of birds and stuff.
before photography scientists did pictures.
Before photography scientists used paintings or drawings to make visual records. When you google images for James John Audubon paintings, drawings and pencil sketches came up.
they painted or drawed them
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