Wednesday, October 17, 2012


What did you see or hear during the earthquake last night? 
Please share your story. 
How often do earthquakes occur in NewEngland?
What was the rating on the one last night? 


Zach S. said...

Nothing happened to me I was in the high school lunch room.With my sister and family for a party type thing for her golf team.

Garrett H said...

during the earthquake last night I saw all of the basketball hoops swaying back and forth and the fans on the ceiling were moving too. I heard the fans on the ceiling were rattling and everybody in the gym started to scream.

Aaran H. said...

Last night at about seven my whole house started to shake and my doggy ran into the closet then it stopped. Big earthquakes don't happen very often in New England and the rating was 4.6.

Dawson,G said...

when the earthquake happened i was eating dinner and watching grimm and the house shook for about a minute so my dad thought the fire place in the basement blew up until we looked then my dad went outside to check the chimney and it was fine so we tried calling people to check but our phones werent working so my dad got his ar-15 and his pistol and gave me the pistol untill we flicked on the news and wee watched the news and it was a 4.5 in waterboro and they said we might have an aftershock in the next few days then our phones started to work and the news also said people s felt it in new york thats my earthquake crisis story 10/16/12 we will rebuild

Bryn W. said...

Last night during the earthquake I completely freaked. My house shook three times and I heard three "Boom" noises. I started to scream and I ran outside in shorts and a t-shirt. At first, I thought it was a big truck or something crashing into the house because my parents and grandfather ran outside. Then when I went back inside I waited for my parents to come inside. My dad said it was probably a stick of dynamite being blown up at a shooting range near my house. Then my mom called our neighbors and their power was knocked out. Later on we found out that it was an earthquake. My dad, my siblings and I had experienced our first earthquake ever.

Earthquakes don't happen very often in New England. Every once in a while small earthquakes will occur, but they are never TOO bad around here.

The rating of the earthquake last night was either 4.5 or 4.6, but I'm not exactly sure.

Maddy C. said...

The earthquake last night was a 4.0-4.6 rating, about the 3rd highest rating on record. I thought it was my washing machine at first, until it started getting louder and you could feel it. Everyone in my house went to the door to see what it could have been, except my sister who was in the shower when it happened. We came up with some pretty crazy ideas of what it could have been.

Riley O said...

first of all i was watching grimm on hulu with the stereo on and it happend i was like wow thats loud my dads bass is not that good so my dad ran outside to see if the water boiler blew up and i was laughing my butt off at my sister she was hyperventilating then i called my friend jake to see if he felt it he did and so did his grandma in cumberland my mom was texting away her friends sister in Connecticut felt it it was a 4.6 and here is the funny part my sister was so scared me and my dad were going to shake her bed it was hilarious.

Bryn W. said...

Don't scare your sister. Its NOT NICE. o3o

cameron s said...

i was out in my dads grage working on changeing the brackes on my dads 55 chevy then the ground stared to shake and the jack started to slip and i ran for the rench and tire i got the tire on and boom the jack fell out

Connor.R said...

4.0 nothing and last was 1984

James D said...

last night it was weird because I was watching a show on TV and all of a sudden my house started shaking my sister was scared I diffident now what happened my dad thought our furies blow up but after a few min. it was OK. the end

Jordan M said...

I was in my room watching a You Tube video and my bed started shaking and then my mom came running down the hall seeing if my brother and I were okay, But I was pretty freaked out because I have never been in one before. They occur pretty often but there not effect of. In Standish the rating was a 4.0.

Lauryn Silva said...

I was in my bedroom by myself when the earthquake hit. My dad was on our second step to coming into or house and the earthquake hit and my dad was still outside it sounded like the train was coming through my house. My sister was so scared he started crying and my whole body started shaking and my body would not stop shaking. We immediatly turned on the news because my dad found out that by lake arrowhead it was a 4.6 and by moms best friend lives there so we called her and she and her husband and 4 and 2yr old babies were fine. That was so scary i have never experinced anything like that and i hope never to again.

Dominique G. said...

Last night when the earthquake happen I was baby sitting a 4 year old and her little sister who is 2. The girls and I were so scared they were hanging on my legs I said if it happens again we all are going to hide be hide the couch for we can be safe. I thought it was and 18 wheeler hit the house but didn't. So I called there mom and dad and saying there was an earthquake, they already on there way home. I called my friends they said are you guys okay? yeah are you guys okay? she said yeah.

An earthquake in New England not much.

It was 4.6 for the rating

Shane.D said...

i was in the shower when it happened so i fell ya it hurt the rate of it was 4.5 the last one that was worst then that was 40 years ago

AlexisP said...

My family and I was eating dinner when all of a sudden the light was just going crazy !!!! And everything started to shake and my glass of water was just going everywhere !!! So we all went down to the basement and stayed there for like 5 mins.And then we went up-stairs and we realized that it was a earth-quake !!!! I was shaking and really scared because we thought it was our wood stove or our oil tank or something.It was so loud it was like a train coming in our house and a truck crashing !!! There was really no words to say how it sounded.Just LOUD!!It happened around 7:15PM and that all of the ell phone lines were blocked !!!! It was a 4.0 in some areas like Hollis Center and lake arrow head was 4.6!! That was the first ever Earth quake I have ever been in!

NotWhoYouThink(; said...


caleb c said...


SMITTY (EVAN) said...


Max H said...

i saw the dishes shake and everything was moving and my house shook. i thought it was the fernace or something blowing up. my dad ra down stairs screaming like a little girl. then he came back and said everything is fine. it was cool. i cant wait for the after shock!!!

Anonymous said...

we were eating and all of a sudden the house is shaking a glass broke after we were getting calls and texts face book was blowing up we checked on the neighbors every one was okay so we went home and went to bed.

EmilyB said...

I was on the couch alone then my house started shaking!!! I thought something blew up! Then I ran to my neighbors house!! :) Then I called my dad which was in a car when it happened and he didn't feel anything!! The rating of the earthquake was 4.6. Earthquakes don't happen very often in New England!!! :)

Anonymous said...

i heard a big boom and my little bro started freaking out. at 1st i thought it was a tornado until i thought it was an earthquake. my mom thought that it was a plane exploding. after the earthquake my mom texted my dad and my dad said it was a 4.5 magnitude earthquake and he felt it to all the way from Wisconsin.

jesse.g said...

i really did not feel any thing last knight 4.6 40 year ago

MorganD said...

My Family and I were sitting watching TV when we heard a soft rumbling sound. Then A very loud rumbling sound. My dog, Jake started barking loudly and Pictures were flying off of my walls. My sister jumped up of the couch and headed towards the basement, My dad asked where she was going because that was the most dangerous place but she replied "WE ARE HAVING A TORNADO!!!!!!!" Thats when we all laughed. The rating of this earthquake was 4.6 and earthquakes almost never happen in maine and when they do they are so small that you can't feel them.

SMITTY (EVAN) said...

i didn't feel IT

ALice M. said...

Last night I was sitting on my bed drawing and minding my own business and then I heard a loud explosion and the whole house started shaking like crazy. Nothing much happened after that. This morning my dad went downstairs and said that there was TONS of cracks in the basement I'm going to go check it out when I get home today.... if the house is still standing.

The last earthquake in Maine was around 40 years ago and it was a much bigger earthquake. The rating for last night was 4.0-4.6

Anonymous said...

the glass was a glass bowl

Anonymous said...

after the earthquake my little bro started crying


SMITTY (EVAN) said...


AlexisD said...

I was lying in my bed listening to my iPod.When my bed started to shake and i thought it my dad trying to get my attention. So i rolled over and then i looked around my room and no one is in there. So i got up to see my parents run downstairs to check my brother. we still didn't know it was an earthquake and thought the furnace had blown up. When it wasn't that we all went upstairs. then we realized it was an earthquake. Then my brother said something about the Russians coming back.He was just joking.And the rating of the earthquake was 4.5. And we almost never get one the rating of the last one was 3.2

zack c said...

they don't really occur here it was 4.5. i was on the coach when it started but i was not even notice until my mom told me to get out and they thought it was a plane crash or something

Cassidy m said...

I was for once in my life doing homework without my mom telling me to and then it was all quiet execpt my t.v in the living room. All of the sudden everything starts shaking and there is a really loud noise I start freaking out thinking either something is happening in my dads room, a plane crashed in our backyard, a MAJOR car crash happend our furnace was blowing up, or it was seriously the end of the world and I was gonna die! My mom dad and brother and dog and cats started freaking out and i grabbed two of my cats and ran outside and my mom grabbed another one of our cats and my dog followed us outside. By the time we got outside it was just about over My cats were shaking my dog was whining and I was freaking out and we heard all of our neighbors outside screaming and some even crying and yelling what was that! Then our phone rang it was my grandmother she asked if we felt that! She lives 30 minutes away from us! Then We went inside and picked up everything that broke or fell and I checked facebook....and yup there was a 4.5 earthquake!

Carly M. said...

I was on my bed (which is the top bunk on a bunk bed) playing on my Nintendo DS and I heard a rumbling sound and I thought it was a truck starting up. Then I felt the rumbling and I thought to myself "How big is that truck?" After it was over, my mom called me to her and told me it was an earthquake. My younger sister told me if it were a big earthquake I would have died. Then I started freaking out on her, attacking her and she wouldn't stop saying that and it was annoying! My mom looked on facebook and all her friends started posting about it, even my aunt and uncle in Massachusetts!
Earthquakes in New England don't happen very often.
The rating was 4.6.

Max H said...

that is a very detailed comment

Katie L. said...

Earthquakes don't happen very often in new england. The rating for the earthquake last night was 4.6. I was watching epic fails on youtube and then my house started shaking and i thought it was going to cave in my dad ran down stairs to check on my sister and she was fine. NOTHING can distract her from the t.v. Meanwhile i was upstairs and my dog was really scared so she sat in my lap and then she pooped on me which by the way is really gross!!!!

SMITTY (EVAN) said...


Jasmine B said...

i was watching 'nightmare before Christmas' and just as it ended, the whole house started shaking and some things fell off the shelves. my dad was woken up from a dead sleep, woke up and ran downstairs thinking the boiler had exploded. My grandfather called us and said he ran right out of his house :) my dog (6 moth old puppy) was running around barking......not sure what my cat did........I was sitting on the couch, Practically dead to the world for the 7 seconds it happened!:D
it was a 4.6, and earthquakes don't normally happen in new England. that was a pretty big earthquake for Maine!!

Emily B. said...

Last night when the earth quake struck all i could here was the loud, obnoxious noise, and it felt as if our wood fernise was going to explode. All I could think was get.out.NOW. Once it ended everyone carried on with there night time duties. Earth quakes don't happen very often in New England.
The rating on the one last night said 4.5.

katelin k said...

my little brother and i were watching tv and we felt the floor shaking and then we heard rumbling and first we thought it was the bulldozer behind our house crashing into our house and then we thought the furnis blew up so my dad made us go outside while he went down in our basement to see if the furnis exploded but it didn't and then we found out that it was an earthquake after my mom called from portland and asked if we felt the earthquake and then my little brother started crying . It felt like my house was gonna explode and it sounded like a valcano erupting . It was 4.6.

Jasmine B said...

i over reacted :)

Aasyhia said...

I was watching tv when all of a sudden I hear a rumble and I thought it was our washer because sometimes it makes low rumbles and the house starts to shake and it took me a second to figure out it was an earthquake!Earthquakes occur sometimes.

nate.b said...

DON"T LAUGH!!!Ok it all started when I was playing with my brother. then mom screamed at me and told me to get in the shower.So I did. so i put the shampoo in my hair and then the house stared to shake, and mom stared to run, I got shampoo in my eyes, and mom screams at me, so i got out. and mom panicking and I'm like it's an earthquake. so everyone calls and it was a big mess.

KatelinK said...


KatelinK said...

im laughing!!!!!!!!

Zachk said...

When we got home some things were scattered around. I never felt it.It was a 4.8 magnitude I think. Earthquakes don't happen very often in New England though.

Alissa H said...

I was doing the dishes when the house started shaking and at first I thought my parents were really mad or something the my dad came running into the kitchen and I realised it was an earthquake so i started to grab the counter then my dad had to shove me out of the house because I was panicking and my older brother came running outside.

Journey B. said...

I was sitting on my couch on my phone, then it started shaking, and my mom started screaming. She thought it was the furnace, the washing machine, or a low flying jet having a crash landing...
Earthquakes don't happen often.
It was a 4.6 Earthquake.

Owen R !! said...

When the earthquake happened I was eating dinner and it started shaking. At first we thought it was the furnace. Then we thought it was an explosion.
The it started vibrating we knew it was an earthquake. They do happen in new england but vary rarely as big as a 4.6

ConnorB said...

I heard glass smashing and a loud rumbling sound, And I feel down my stairs. Earthquakes happen rarely in new england and the rating was 4.6.

Logan C said...

my friend was next to me we were playing wanted weapons of fate and his tralor shook.

Nathan C. said...

I was just walking up the stairs to get inside (I was visiting my friends house, yes... I do have friends) my house. All of a sudden I hear and felt a large shaking sound, so I just thought that it was the dryer drying the clothes, I didn't think anything of it. I walk i the house and the entire house is shaking so, I think well this can't be the dryer. Then my Mimi starts screaming, "IT'S AN EARTHQUAKE, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." As she is running around the house. There is a 22% chance of getting earthquakes in New England (
The magnitude of the earthquake last night was 4.6.

Gia L said...

I felt my house shaking and heard a rumbling. The rating was 4.6, earthquakes rarely happen in new England.

AndrewE said...

I was doing homework and everything started shaking. My dad thought the fernice blew up and my sister was freaking out. It sounded like thunder was rolling through the house. At first i thought the house was struck by lightning. I researched it and it was a 4.6 earthquake.

Maddy P. said...

I was sitting on my couch on my phone and watching t.v. with my mom. All of a sudden there was a really loud noise and shaking. My mom screamed for my sister to come down. We all were screaming thinking we were under attack, we wen a little overboard.... Earthquakes are pretty rare in Maine because they don't happen often. The earthquake was a 4.6.

joe w said...

my dad and sister were in hanaford and my mom thought the boiler was broken and i got a free masoge

Kaylee C. said...

1. I saw that my chair moved and that ten minutes before it happened my dog was flipping out and he wanted to be close to us.

2. They occur on a regular basis in New England I think.

3. The rating pointing thingy was a 4.6 or 4.7 I think.

david vincent said...

The earthquake last night was very loud but not that strong.

It was a 4.6 scale earthquake.

I don't think earthquakes occur that much in New England.

Aidan R said...

1. I was sitting down in my living room reading then my whole house started to shack and then i ran outside with my dad because we thought the tree in front of my house was falling on my house. Then we learned it was an Earthquake.

2. They occur pretty often bu they are really small.

3. a 4.6 magnitude.

Sheila A said...

I heard a lot of rumbling and shaking.My mom was sleeping then all of a sudden the earthquake starts and she jumps out of the bed looking so confused. My older sister was in her room when it happened and she thought she had gone bonkers but after it ended i bolted into her room and started yelling "what was that?!?!?!?!". But my younger sister was sound asleep downstairs and didn't wake up at all when this happened. when it was all over, my little sister woke up and we told her about what had happened. She was so upset that we didn't wake her up. She was like "WHY DIDN'T YO U WAKE ME UP WHEN THE EARTHQUAKE HAPPENED?!?!?!?!!??!!?!!!"
Earthquakes can occur almost everyday but they are usually 2.0 earthquakes and cannot be felt.
The rating was 4.5

Colby W said...

Well... I was watching tv with my dad and then... the house started to shake and my dad thought the furnace was exploding so we grabbed my dog and we ran out-side and waited a minute to recognize that my house did not exploded!!!! I think it was a 4.5

DARREN P. said...

I was suprised and then I started to go ahahahahahahahahahahahahah then my grandpa thought the fernis blow up and the dogs where barking like crazy I just sat there and tried to guess how much that one was and I guessed wrong I thought it was a 4 or 5 but it was a 4.5

Hayley G said...

I was Watching tv when it happened and then i felt it and Screamed!!!!!!!It was A 4.5! My mom thought something blew up in are basement

f,jnakl said...

who are you

Damian P said...

1.last night I was playing my play station when my whole house started to shake. my brother was lying on the ground because it knocked him over. my turtles almost fell over.

2.They sometimes happen but not much.

3. 4.8 at my house.

Emily H said...

I was in the car at plummers when the earth quake happened I just had come from dance and I was in the car well my mom ran in to get food and it just started to rumble for like 15 seconds or so and then everything just started to shack and it felt the the car was gonna roll away it was very scary being in a car...Then I got home and almost all the pictures had fallen off my wall and everything was knocked over and my dogs were still going crazy when I got home. I wonder when we are gonna get the after shock :/

Skyler D. said...

Last night during the earth quake my whole house shook. Some of the lights flickered, and my dog Gabby at first was standing still and then she kept flopping all over the place then my other dog Rocko was standing on the couch then face planted into the floor (rug). I even slipped and hit my head off of the kitchen chair. My dad came running up the stairs thinking an airplane had crashed, and of course he was watching a show about what had happened in china with the sunami and everything.

Zoe D said...

I was eating dinner and watching TV when the house started to shake. I knew right away what it was and I was just thinking the whole time "cool!"
They occur here and there but you barely ever feel them.
The rating was 4.6 for the earthquake.

adam p said...

i was at a beef meating in gorham at their town hall and thought it was one of the doors for a fire truck opening. raitin 4.6

Kelsey S. :P said...

I was eating dinner and then all of a sudden everything starts to vibrate and so my dad told me to go down stairs while they went outside and found out what it was and I was just standing there hoping the house wouldn't fall on me! the rating was 4.5. And it doesn't happen a lot in New England.

morgan s said...

1.I saw that the table and tv where staring to shake. I was going down the stairs to get ready for bed when i felt shaking i lost my steeping, did a flip, and landed on my head. My mom and dad where finishing up there dinner when this happened. They were telling my brother and I to get in the car. My two little sister where at the church. My friends where working at the church and then they ended up falling down the stairs. But they didn't do a flip like i did. We are all o.k. But I cannot believe that my arm or leg is broken I took a really tough fall. But yet I still have a head ache today. What was also not fun is that my brother stabbed his tounge with a fork. MY two sisters are fine. By the way, when my sisters where at our church and the earth quake happened all the kids fell out of there chair. After it stopped shaking, my dad ran outside to make sure everyone was o.k. I was screaming and crying. Then we had to rush and pick up all the kids that where at the church. Our car was full. I didn't get any sleep last night. But I am still happy. But I did not sleep last night because I was worried it was going to happen again.

2.I think that occur in New England on a regular basis. Because we do have mini earth quakes every once in a while.

3.Online it said that the rating was 4.6- 4.7 last night.

Mara C. said...

1). I was finishing my homework when I heard a boom sound. I fell and all my papers stayed in order. My dad ran down stairs to check if the furnus blew up.I saw the house shake and move.

2). An earth quake happens rarely in Maine.

3). The rating was 4.5-4.6.

Arlo P said...

Last night I didn't even here or feel the earthquake! I was in my truck driving home from football practice but my mom called my dad and she thought that our furnace blew up or something like that. So when we got home my mom said that the house was shaking and that my dog and cat went crazy! She also said that it came on instantly but slowly ended. The rating was4.5!

Jacob G said...

stinks to be you NATE

Mia W said...

I was down stairs in my grandparents house and telling my grandfather what happened at school yesterday and then I heard something really loud. My grandfather jumped up and ran into the boiler room ( which is where our furnace is) and then he came running back out and when he came out it was like the middle of the earthquake and a picture that was hanging on the wall fell and it almost hit my head and then I bent into a armadillo position and the picture fell onto my back. I didn't shatter though it just fell like softly but it still hurt. Then I went under the door frame and waited until the earthquake was done.

Earthquakes come and go very often, but only some of them are big enough that we feel them.

It was in the range of 4.0-4.6

Mia W said...

Oh yeah and my dog keno had a crazy look on his face and ran around the house like really fast. He ran into the table and that is when he just sat down and waited for it to be done.

BruceB said...

i was in my room doing home work no i was playing xbox and then it happend so my mom ran down the stars and well fell down them and yeah thats what happend

Jacob G said...

I had just put my dog in his kennel then the whole house started to shake. My mom thought the furnise blew up.

Whitney R said...

1. Last night it was kind of scary. I was home by my self with my sister when it happened my mom was walking through the door when it happened. We had just gotten a new fridge that didn't work so well so I thought that the fridge had fallen. But when I heard the second boom I knew it was an earthquake my mother started to cry because she was scared and my dad was atthe high school so she was worried because that school isn't very sturdy and the class he was in has holes in the wall. she was even more scared because she couldn't contact anyone because all of the phones were broken. It was kind of scary but I was o.k. after and so was my sister and my mom.

2. Earthquakes in New England, most likely happen once in a while but they are small. the big ones probably happen every 5 or so years. That was the first one I've ever had in Maine that's big.

3. The news recorded it as 4.6 but this morning they said that it wasn't as strong so it was changed to 4.0

jenn w said...

well i was on my bed on the computer and all of a sudden i heard this loud crash then the house was shaking after the loud crash there was a sound like a vibarting sound the whole time i was under my bed beacuse that was the only thing i could do so i thought it was a bomb,probany truck or a plane crash right in front of my yard i was so scared i got on to facebook to see is all me friends were o.k they were o.k but there was another one at 11:00 last night so i just went to bed at 10:30 so i did not have to listen to it. it was a 4.5 and don't know the rest your welcome

jenny c said...

Last night I heard and felt the earthquake! I was in my house lying on the floor waiting for my mom to come home. I was almost asleep when it happened I was up of the floor in about 2 seconds flat. We had thought that there was a plane crash or an explosion.My family ran outside to see what had happened and we heard our next door neibors yell to us asking if we had felt it. we had said we did but we didn't know what it was.Me my dad my sister and her boyfriend went outside to see what had happened.We went over to my neibors house to see if they were okay that's when my friends brother's friend said that it was an earthquake.That's when we tried to call the Buxton dispatch to tell them that everyone here is okay but my Dad couldn't get through to them so that's when my dad called my brother he didn't get through to him. He said he must be sleeping but my only question was how could he sleep through it when he live near Hollis Center.Then about ten minutes after we got back home my Mom called saying she was heading home cause class got out late cause of the earthquake.About twenty minutes later my Mom got home,and my dad got through to the dispatch.

2) Earthquakes rarely happen in Maine.

3) The earthquake rating was 4.5